1. Where is the idea from?
Truth or Dare (真心话大冒险) is a really famous game when people have parties. We want to make something based on this. Also, getting inspiration from the game Wave Length (心靈共感) we played during our board game session, we kind of get some ideas on how to combine Truth or Dare in a board game to make it more interesting and playful.
2. What does the game look like?
- Game materials: Two sets of cards with numbers 1 to 10, ten card holders, question cards (as many as possible).
- Rules:
- a. This is a game suitable for party. 5-11 players are recommended.
- b. Among all the players, 1 is the questioner and the rest are respondents. Everyone can take turns to be the questioner.
- c. All the respondents draw a number card from the pool (The number card in the pool depends on the number of respondents. For example, if we have 6 respondents in a game, we could keep 1-6 in the pool and put 7-10 aside.) and then they could take a look at each other’s number. The questioner could not look at their numbers.
- d. Then the questioner would draw a question card from the pool. Then the respondent need to respond to the question and their answer should be based on the number they get. For example, the question is: please arrange an event for me this Friday evening, (small number) the most boring → (large number) the most interesting. The first respondent who get number 2 would give an answer, then the next respondent who get number 5 should give an answer that is more interesting compared to the first respondent, and then the third respondent who get number 3 should give an answer that the degree is in between the previous two. Different people might have different understanding on one question and that’s how this game become interesting. (The respondents could use the card holders to hold the card so that they could look at each other’s number in the game.)
- e. After all the respondents give their answers, the questioner should use his number card to rank the respondents. If the rank is the same, then everyone win together, otherwise everyone loses.
3. What are the materials you need to craft it?
Piece of paper / card and card holder.
* Some questions that we come up with up to now (small number → large number):
- Your friend wants to invite you out to play, but you don’t want to go. How would you refuse your friend? Nonsense → Sincere (你的朋友想邀请你出去玩,但是你不想去,你会怎么拒绝他?最扯淡→最诚恳)
- You are trapped on a deserted island, what do you hope to obtain? Useless → Useful (你被困在荒岛上,你希望能获得什么物品?最没用的→最有用的)
- Greet the person on your right. Unfamiliar → Familiar (和你右边的人打招呼。最陌生→最熟悉)
- Name a game. Least popular → Popular (说出一个游戏的名字。最冷门→最热门)
- If you enter a world of superpowers, what superpowers do you hope to obtain? Inferior (weak) → Powerful (如果你进入了一个超能力的世界,你希望获得什么超能力?最弱→最强)
- Please arrange an event for me this Friday evening. Boring → Interesting (请为我安排这周五晚上的活动。最无聊→最有趣)
- What do you secretly do during class? Obedient → Mischievous (你在上课的时候会偷偷做什么?最乖→最顽皮)
- Name a method to relieve heat. Useless → Useful. (说出一种消暑的方法。最没用→最有用)
- You recently went to the police station. Tell me the reason why you went to the police station. Reasonable → Ridiculous (你最近去了一趟警察局,说出你去警察局的原因。最合理→最离谱)
- Use one sentence to wake others up. Useless → Effective (用一句话叫人起床。最无效→最有效)
- What content will you see when you see the browsing history of the previous person on a public computer? Normal →Ridiculous (你在一台公用电脑上看到了前一个使用者的浏览记录,你看到他浏览了什么?最正常→最离谱)
- What is it when you hang something while fishing? Reasonable → Ridiculous (你在钓鱼的时候钓上来一个东西,那会是什么?最合理→最离谱)
- You went to a friend’s house as a guest and found something in the restroom that shouldn’t be there. What is it? Normal → Unexpected (你去朋友家做客,在他家的厕所里发现了一个平时不应该出现在厕所里的东西,会是什么?最正常→最意想不到)
- You’re drunk, call someone, who would that person be? Reasonable → Least desirable (你喝醉了,给一个人打了电话,那个人会是谁?最合理的→你最不希望的)
- What do you do when you slack off at work? Common → Ulterior (你上班摸鱼的时候会干什么?最寻常的→最不可告人的)
- If you are my superior, tell me a reason why you fired me. Truest → Ridiculous (如果你是我的上级,说一个你开除我的原因。最真实→最离谱)
- Praise the person on your left. Hypocritical → Sincere (表扬你左边的人。最虚伪→最诚恳)
- When friends gather, everyone needs to bring ingredients to cook hotpot. What would you bring? Common → Ridiculous (在一次朋友聚会中,大家都需要带一样食材来煮火锅,你会带什么?最正常→最离谱)
- If you traveled back ten years and could say a word to yourself at that time, what would you say? Useless → Useful (如果你穿越回了十年前,并可以对当时的自己说一句话,你会说什么?最没用→最有用)
- What would you say if you could communicate with your pet? Warm → Funny (如果你可以和你的宠物对话,你会说什么?最温馨→最搞笑)
- Assuming you have a pet dog, what name would you give it? Common → Funny / Cool (如果你有一只狗,你会给他取什么名字?最常见→最炫酷/搞笑)
- How would you respond if a stranger approached you at Spring Formal? Indifferent → Enthusiastic (如果一个陌生人在春季舞会上搭讪了你,你会怎么回应?最冷淡→最热情)
- Describe a foul odor. Bearable → Unbearable (描述一种臭味。最可以忍受的→最不能忍受的)
- Name a type of stationery. Least frequently used → Most frequently used (说出一种文具。最不常用的→最常用的)
- Name a solution to insomnia. Least frequently used → Most frequently used (说出一种解决失眠的方法。最不常用的→最常用的)
- Name one of your recent achievements. Trivial → Great (说出一项你最近取得的成就。最微不足道的→最伟大的)
- Name a meme star. Least popular → popular (说出一个meme。最冷门→最有名)
- Your neighbor upstairs is very noisy. What do you think he is doing? Acceptable → Ridiculous (你楼上的邻居很吵,你觉得他在干什么?最正常→最离谱)
- You are sitting on a plane and the captain suddenly starts broadcasting. What does he say? Reassuring → Terrifying (你坐在一架飞机上,机长突然开始广播,他说了什么?最令人安心→最吓人)
- Name a reason why teeth fall out. Common → Ridiculous (说出一种牙齿掉了的原因。最常见→最离谱)
- What can your dog do now after two and a half months of training? Common → Ridiculous (你的狗狗经过的两个半月的训练,他现在会做什么?最常见(无聊)→最离谱)
- Name an animal. Short tail → Long tail (说出一种动物。尾巴最短的→尾巴最长的)
- You are in the library, and the person next to you is doing something prohibited. What is he doing? Acceptable → Unbearable (你坐在图书馆里的时候,你旁边的人正在做被图书馆规则禁止的事情,他在做什么?(你)最可以接受→最无法忍受)
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