Step 1&2
This is what I built based on the Taichi I made for the last recitation:
And here is my code:
float []angle; float []Scale; int []tScale; int m=0; color []colors; void setup(){ size(600,600); angle = new float[50]; Scale = new float[50]; tScale = new int[50]; colors = new color[50]; for (int i = 0; i<30; i++){ tScale[i] = 1; Scale[i] = 1; colors[i] = color(random(255),random(255),random(255)); } } void draw(){ background(255); for (int a = 1; a<5; a++){ for (int b = 1; b<5; b++){ rotateTaichi(75+(a-1)*150,75+(b-1)*150,m,colors[m]); m = m+1; } } m = 0; //println(m); } void taichi(color c){ fill(c); arc(0,0,100,100,0,PI,PIE); fill(255); arc(0,0,100,100,PI,2*PI); noStroke(); fill(c); circle(-25,0,50); fill(255); circle(25,0,50); noStroke(); fill(c); circle(25,0,20); fill(255); circle(-25,0,20); } void rotateTaichi(int x,int y,int k,color c){ Scale[k] = Scale[k]+0.01*tScale[k]; if (Scale[k]<0.3 || Scale[k]>1){ tScale[k] = -tScale[k]; } //println(k,Scale[k],tScale[k]); push(); translate(x,y); rotate(radians(angle[k])); angle[k] = angle[k]+1; scale(Scale[k]); taichi(c); pop(); }
Step 3
In this step, I planned to make many bouncing Taichis in the screen but I have already made the bouncing smiling faces in class. So I made all the Taichis to rotate and the center is the center of the screen. This is what I made:
This is my code:
color []colors; float []x; float []y; float []dia; float []angle; float []Scale; float []spd; void setup(){ size(600,600); colors = new color[50]; x = new float[50]; y = new float[50]; dia = new float[50]; angle = new float[50]; Scale = new float[50]; spd = new float[50]; for (int i=0; i<50; i++){ colors[i] = color(random(255),random(255),random(255)); x[i] = random(100,width-100); y[i] = random(100,height-100); dia[i] = random(15,40); angle [i] = 0; Scale[i] = random(0.5,1); spd[i] = random(0.5,2.5); } } void draw(){ background(255); for (int i=0; i<50;i++){ taichi(x[i],y[i],colors[i],Scale[i],angle[i]); angle[i] = angle[i]+spd[i]; } } void taichi(float x,float y, color c,float Scale,float angle){ push(); translate(300,300); rotate(radians(angle)); scale(Scale); fill(c); arc(x,y,100,100,0,PI,PIE); fill(255); arc(x,y,100,100,PI,2*PI); push(); noStroke(); fill(c); circle(x-25,y,50); fill(255); circle(x+25,y,50); noStroke(); fill(c); circle(x+25,y,20); fill(255); circle(x-25,y,20); pop(); pop(); }
I think the most challenging part is to use the function translate() and push(), pop() properly to make each Taichi rotate.
Instead of rectangles, I use some loops instead. Actually they are just circles with stroke that weighs 1/3 diameter of the circle. This is what I made:
This is the code:
float []x; float []y; float []dia; float []dis; int []colors; void setup(){ size(600,600); colorMode(HSB,100); x = new float[24*24]; y = new float[24*24]; dia = new float[24*24]; colors = new int[24*24]; dis = new float[24*24]; for (int i=0; i<24*24;i++){ colors[i] = int(random(0,100)); } } void draw(){ background(0,0,0); for (int i = 0; i<23; i++){ for(int j = 0; j<23; j++){ int index = i + j*23; dis[index] = dist(mouseX,mouseY,x[index],y[index]); dia[index] = 15; x[index] = i*25+25; y[index] = j*25+25; colors[index] = colors[index]+1; if (colors[index] >= 100){ colors[index] = 0; } //if (dis[index]<=100){ // dia[index] = map(dis[index],0,100,5,15); //} dia[index] = map(constrain(dis[index],0,100),0,100,5,15); dot(i*25+25,j*25+25,dia[index],color(colors[index],50,100)); } } } void dot(float x, float y,float d, color c){ strokeWeight(d/3); stroke(c); fill(0,0,0); circle(x,y,d); }
I actually misunderstood the hint of using function constrain() as in my assumption, I should use map() and an if statement. Later I found out that does this mean. I should get the distance of each circle to mouseX and mouseY and I only need the distances that are smaller than 100. Then I just need to use constrain instead of using a long if statement to save spaces. I keep my if statement here to remind me of the process and effort I’ve made.
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