Magic Camera
In the final project, I want to make a camera that could give people “magic”.
1. Photoshop software like MeituXiuxiu, TiantianPtu. These softwares could detect the user’s facial features in real-time and add decorations like cat ears, pig nose, eyeglasses according to the user’s choice. However, I’m going to make a different one. The special effect comes from arms/ hands instead of faces.
(Photo I shot from Meitu Xiuxiu using real-time detect technology)
2. In the game Arena Of Valor (王者荣耀), there is a kind of career Wizard/ Witch (法师). They could use magic to hurt the enemy. I intended to refer to some of the special effects from this Game. Users can have hearts, flowers or fires in their hands, on their head or somewhere else.
Preliminary conception
1. Use PoseNet to detect the key points of body/ hands.
2. Click the mouse to change the special effects. But it would be better if the change of special effect would be stimulated by specific action. It is difficult to realize though.
3. Try to find a way that the photo can be taken when the user pressed on the space and the photo would be saved locally.
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