Team name:Golden Snitches
The big idea:
We want to create a game that has Harry Potter flying through the horrible forest. The minimum viable product would be the user could control Harry Potter with sound level and the game would end if Harry Potter crashes on the blocks. The stretch goal is that we want to record the scores.
Learning goals:
Amber:Using mathematical models to construct judgment expressions expressed by code. Learn how to input audio using a microphone.
Emma: Gain coding skills and learn how to insert pictures and audio into the code.
Rocio: Learn how to systematically design and create a video through p5js on our own
Grasp how to add images and audio in a project
Inspiration and preference:
We got the inspiration from the game Flappy Birds. But this game uses mouse click to control the bird flying through the blocks but we use sound to control.
Implementation plan:
—Step 1. Preliminary conception. We want to use a microphone to input the sound and use sound to control the figure. We want this to be a game.
—Step 2. Building the basic model of the game. We draw a ball first. Then we use an array rec[i] to create black blocks and another array hei[i] to define the height of each “passage” for balls to pass. Also we use the function random to randomize the height of each passage.
—Step 3. Sound input. We refer to the p5.js library and some videos on YouTube. We use “var mic” and then “new p5.AudioIn()” to create a sound input. Then use “mic.getLevel ” to get the level of the sound. Applying the sound level to the ordinate of the ball and we can get a ball jumping along with the sound level.
—Step 4. Add judgment. If the ball crashes on the blocks, the game will end. So we want to use a function Check() and by applying true or false on it to check whether the user loses the game. (Additional: We also want to use the “i” in the array rec[i] to count the score)
—Step 5. Beautification. We use procreate to draw some cute figures and find some amazing background pictures to replace the original black blocks, balls and white background to make the game more interesting.
—Step 6. Debugging and optimization. Find the potential bugs and try to make the game functioning more smoothly.
Collaboration plan:
Amber: Building the basic framework of code. Write the function ballCheck() part and the audio input part.
Rocio:Provide ideas of program running, design and draw the image we use andbeautify the whole picture.
Emma: Record and document the process of doing the project. Write and organize reports.
- Up to now, we haven’t found a very suitable background for the game.
- How to check whether the ball crashes on the block is a problem. If we use an array, it is complex and confusing and will cause computer crash. If we don’t use an array, it is hard to confirm the variable.
- As the sound level is changing all the time, Harry Potter moves quite unstable. We tried to use the function smooth() but did not succeed.
Additional course content:
No. I think we can find everything we want in the reference and p5.js library. ^_^
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