Interactive Fashion | Assignment 5

In-class Recitation

In this recitation, Sylvia and I explored creating textiles using unconventional materials around the campus. I collected some wood fiber from the grass lawn, some construction materials, and a small piece of the wallpaper. Sylvia brought some plant leaves, both green and yellow ones.


One major problem we met was that the materials we collected are mostly small pieces and relatively hard to band or reshape. Therefore, we could not easily combine or intertwine these materials together to create textiles. Therefore, we tried to make use of iron wires to form a basic structure. We made a simple grid with several pieces of wires, and hot glued them together. We only glued the outer joints of the wires but not the cross points in the middle, so that the whole grid were not strongly fixed. Then, we attached those materials we found onto the base structure, also using hot glue. We did not have enough time nor enough pieces to cover the whole base, which was also because we made too big a grid.

The final outcome actually looks better than I had imagined, the different colors matched together without much conflict. But just as Professor recommended that we could make the textile more flexible than such hard platform we had. We could glue less joints, or to joint different wires with less secure means, so that the whole textile could appear more fabric like rather than this tablet. 

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