Interactive Fashion | Assignment 8

Models in Rhino

For the in-class exercise, I followed the instructions provided by Professor Marcela, both in-class demonstration and from the exercise files. The instructions are relatively easy to follow, and in the building process I mainly met two problems.

The first being that the BooleanUnion of the pipes taking forever time, and sometimes raise warnings. I learned to solve it by not uniting everything at the same time, but to take small steps of getting a few of them together, and then union those parts together. While for the warnings, I could separately look into details and adjust the sizes manually, as most of them are due to one pipe being too big or at the wrong position.

The second problem I met was for the ptOffsetPoints, where the points I generated are always inwards instead of pointing out. Resulting in the final model in a reversed shape.


Regarding the after class assignment, the online instructions are also easy to follow, and I did not met major difficulties in building the model.


3D Printing

I exported the 3D modeling file into .STL, and used the Ultimaker Cura software to generate the 3D modeling. I used the tree shape support, with the angle of 80 degrees, and shown in class.

The first half of the modeling process was smooth, but I later found out that one part broke a little bit when the printing was about to finish, resulting in one pipe not able to join together in the final piece.


I suspect the reason of such break for either the model being not well built or the support being not enough. However since the other part shows no problem, I think I could improve the printing by having more supports.

I glued the breaking points together with glue guns and had this final piece.

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