
Posting a minor on your transcript (Click here for instructions)
NYU Shanghai Minor
Business Chemistry Chinese
Computer Systems Engineering Computer Science Creative Writing
Data Science Economics
Genomics and Bioinformatics Global China Studies History
Humanities Interactive Media Arts Interactive Media and Business
Literature Mathematics Molecular and Cell Biology
Neural Science Philosophy Physics
Social Science    
Global Network University Minor (Click here for information)
NYU NY Cross School Minor (Click here for information)
Portal Campus Minor (Click here for information)  


Business Minor
Required Courses
BUSF-SHU 101 Statistics for Business and Economics
BUSF-SHU 250 Principles of Financial Accounting
ECON-SHU 2 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON-SHU 251 Economics of Global Business (Students can take Intro to Macro and Intermediate Macro to substitute EGB)
MATH-SHU 121 Calculus
Choose One Elective Course (Please note that the business minor elective list below is complete, no courses outside of the list will be approved.)
BUSF-SHU 142 Information Technology in Business and Society
BUSF-SHU 202 Foundations of Finance
BUSF-SHU 210 Business Analytics
BUSF-SHU 303 Corporate Finance
BUSF-SHU 351 Competitive Advantage from Operations
MGMT-SHU 301 Management and Organizations
MKTG-SHU 1 Introduction to Marketing
Economics majors must complete two of the additional courses listed below to complete the minor within the double counting limits.
BUSF-SHU 142 Information Technology in Business and Society
BUSF-SHU 202 Foundations of Finance
BUSF-SHU 210 Business Analytics
BUSF-SHU 351 Competitive Advantage from Operations
MGMT-SHU 301 Management and Organizations
MKTG-SHU 1 Introduction to Marketing


Chemistry Minor
CHEM-SHU 125 Foundations of Chemistry I
CHEM-SHU 126 Foundations of Chemistry II
CHEM-SHU 127 FoS Chemistry Laboratory
CHEM-SHU 225 Organic Chemistry I + Lab
CHEM-SHU 226 Organic Chemistry II + Lab


Chinese Minor
The Chinese minor requires students to complete a four-course sequence which begins at or above Intermediate 1 and ends at or beyond Advanced 2. However, it is possible to complete the minor with three courses by placing out of one of the middle two courses in the four-course sequence and by placing out of Intermediate I if you began taking Chinese at NYU at the Elementary level.

Example 1: If you take Elementary 1 or 2 at NYU and place out of Intermediate 1, you may earn the minor with Intermediate 2, Advanced 1, and Advanced 2.

Example 2: If you take Intermediate 1 but place out of Intermediate 2, you may earn the minor with Intermediate 1, Advanced 1 and Advanced 2.

Example 3: If you take Intermediate 1 & 2 but place out of Advanced 1, you may earn the minor with Intermediate 1 & 2 and Advanced 2.

Example 4: If you take Advanced 1 but place out of Advanced 2, you may earn the minor with Advanced 1 and two post Advanced 2 courses.

Note that:
–A student who begins the sequence at or beyond Advanced 2 must complete four courses at NYU at or above that level to earn the minor.
–All courses used to fulfill the minor must be taken at NYU and passed with at least a C grade or higher.
–At least 3 courses in any minor must not be used for any other major or minor requirement.


Computer Systems Engineering Minor
CSCI-SHU 11 or
Introduction to Programming or Interaction Lab
CSCI-SHU 101 Introduction to Computer Science
EENG-SHU 251 Circuits
CENG-SHU 201 Digital Logic
CENG-SHU 202 or
Computer Architecture or Embedded Systems


Computer Science Minor
MATH-SHU 121 Calculus
CENG-SHU 202 Computer Architecture
CSCI-SHU 101 Introduction to Computer Science
CSCI-SHU 210 Data Structures
One Computer Science Elective course (DM-UY 2193 Intro to Web Development, INTM-SHU 231 Developing Web or CSCI-UA courses under 100 level do not count towards the minor.)

Note: Data Science majors should take one additional Computer Science Elective to earn at least 12 unique credits for the minor.


Creative Writing Minor
WRIT-SHU 159 Introduction to Creative Writing (a prerequisite for the intermediate and advanced craft courses)
Two intermediate/advanced craft courses
An additional intermediate/advanced craft course or a designated elective


Data Science Minor
CSCI-SHU 101 Introduction to Computer Science
CSCI-SHU 210 Data Structures
CSCI-SHU 360 Machine Learning
ECON-SHU 301 Econometrics
MATH-SHU 235 or
MATH-SHU 233 or
BUSF-SHU 101 or
Probability and Statistics or
Theory of Probability or
Statistics for Business and Economics or

Note: Computer Science majors should additionally take Information Visualization OR Databases to earn at least 12 unique credits for the minor.


Economics Minor
BUSF-SHU 101 Statistics for Business and Economics
ECON-SHU 1 Introduction to Macroeconomics
ECON-SHU 2 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON-SHU 202 or
Intermediate Macroeconomics or Intermediate Microeconomics
Two additional 4-credit courses from the Economics elective list


Electrical and Systems Engineering Minor
CSCI-SHU 11 or
Intro to Programming or Interaction Lab
EENG-SHU 251 Circuits
CENG-SHU 201 Digital Logic
One Electrical and Systems Engineering Elective


Genomics and Bioinformatics Minor
BIOL-SHU 21 Foundations of Biology I
BIOL-SHU 22 Foundations of Biology II
BIOL-SHU 123 FoS Biology Laboratory
BIOL-SHU 261 Genomics and Bioinformatics
BIOL-SHU 267 or
BIOL-GA 1128 or
Microbiology and Microbial Genomics or
Systems Biology or


 Global China Studies Minor
Four classes from the required and elective list of Global China Studies courses, of which at least one must be from the required list. Students may take up to two advanced or post-advanced language courses in fulfillment of this minor.


History Minor
Four classes from the required and elective list of Humanities major History courses.


Humanities Minor
Four classes from the required and elective list of Humanities major courses.


Interactive Media Arts Minor
INTM-SHU 101 Interaction Lab
INTM-SHU 120 Communications Lab
7-8 credits from the Interactive Media Arts Elective List


Interactive Media and Business Minor
ECON-SHU 251 Economics of Global Business
BUSF-SHU 250 Principles of Financial Accounting
To be added Application Lab
INTM-SHU 120 OR INTM-SHU 101  Communications Lab OR Interaction Lab
4 credits from Business core, elective or IMA Business of Emerging Media course(s)
4 credits from the Interactive Media Arts Elective List


Literature Minor
Four classes from the required and elective list of Humanities major Literature courses.


Mathematics Minor
Four 4-credit mathematics courses at the Calculus level or higher. Of current math offerings, Linear Algebra and Differential Equations, Math for Economists would not count for the minor.


Molecular and Cell Biology Minor
BIOL-SHU 21 Foundations of Biology I
BIOL-SHU 22 Foundations of Biology II
BIOL-SHU 30 (Formerly 264) or BIOL-SHU 263 Genetics or Developmental Biology
BIOL-SHU 123 FoS Biology Laboratory
BIOL-UA 36 or
At the Bench: Applied Molecular Biology DNA Techniques or
At the Bench: Applied Cell Biology or
One approved class to count towards this minor


Neural Science Minor
BIOL-SHU 21 Foundations of Biology I
BIOL-SHU 22 Foundations of Biology II
BIOL-SHU 123 FoS Biology Laboratory
NEUR-SHU 201 Introduction to Neural Science
NEUR-SHU 251 or
Behavioral and Integrative Neuroscience or
Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience


Philosophy Minor
Four classes from the required and elective list of Humanities major Philosophy courses.


Physics Minor
PHYS-SHU 71 FoS Physics Laboratory
PHYS-SHU 91 or
Foundations of Physics I Honor or
Physics I
PHYS-SHU 93 or
Foundations of Physics II Honors or
Physics II
Physics II Laboratory
Two Physics Elective Courses (must bring total credits of the minor courses to 16 or more)


Social Science Minor
Students who wish to complete a minor in Social Science must complete one of the Methods courses from the list of approved Social Science Methods courses and three additional courses from the list of approved Social Science courses.


Global Network University Minor

Students can complete a Global Network University (GNU) Minor using classes from one or more of 11 study away sites or the portal campuses in the Global Network. This option enables capable and highly motivated students to pursue a plan of study that brings together courses from more than one NYU department or program taught at a study away site.

These minors serve students who can realize their interdisciplinary goals within the Global Network University drawing on courses from any of the study away sites or portal campuses. Even if all of the classes are from a single department in one of the other portal campuses or is identical to a minor offered on one of those campuses, the GNU Minor is an NYU Shanghai minor and will be identified as such on the student’s transcript. The other requirements and limitations for these minors are identical with the standard ones identified above for all minors.

GNU Minors may be completed using courses taken at the associated study away site or portal campuses. Courses and therefore minor availability may vary by semester, students should see each academic center’s website for specific classes, and plan with their academic advisor how to complete the minor. Pursuing a GNU Minor does not guarantee acceptance to study at a study away site. 

GNU Minors require 4 courses. Your academic advisor can help you identify eligible courses offered at the study away sites. Local language courses at the study away sites count toward the four courses required for the Culture and Society minors (language courses can only count for once for Culture and Society minors).

Below are all the GNU Minors that NYU Shanghai currently offers:

Art History Studies Art Studies Australian Culture and Society British Culture and Society
Central European Culture and Society Cultural Studies Entrepreneurship and Innovation European Culture and Society
Fashion Studies French Culture and Society German Culture and Society Global Cities Studies
Global Public Health Studies Globalization Studies Italian Culture and Society Journalism Studies
Latin American Culture and Society Middle Eastern Culture and Society Pan African Culture and Society Psychological Studies
Photographic Studies Political Studies Sociological Studies Spanish Culture and Society
Sustainability Studies West African Culture and Society    

NYU Shanghai students may appeal through their academic advisors for approval of an alternative GNU Minor if they can identify and justify a set of courses in the NYU Global Network or a particular study away site that added together meet the standards of a minor. You can look up GNU Minors at NYU’s 11 study away sites through this Courses by Site Satisfying Shanghai Degree Requirements spreadsheet. Please note that this sheet is a list of all courses that have been approved as counting towards particular requirements. It will continue to expand as more courses are evaluated and approved. If you would like to check on a course that is not yet on the sheet, please email your academic advisor with the course number, name, and what requirement(s) you wish to count it for.


NYU NY Cross-School Minor

Cross-School Minors offered by NYU Schools are available to NYU Shanghai students as listed on the NYU Cross-School Minors website. Students who successfully complete any of those Minors will have them identified by name as a Cross-School Minor on the student’s transcript. Students who have completed a Cross-School Minor should follow the NYU Shanghai process to report their minor completion information to their NYU Shanghai academic advisor in order to get the minor posted on the transcript. Students do not need to declare NY Cross-School Minors in Albert.


Portal Campus Minor

Students can apply to attempt a Portal Campus Minor, using classes from one of the two Portal Campuses in the Global Network. These minors must meet the requirements set out in the relevant college bulletin by the offering department at the Portal Campus. During their sophomore year, students compose their academic plan for the minor in consultation with the Assistant Dean for Global Programs. By spring of the sophomore year, the plan of study must be submitted to and approved by the Assistant Provost for Academic Affairs. Approval of the plan does not guarantee acceptance to study at the Portal Campus, that required courses will be available or open, or the ability to study for an additional semester at the Portal Campus to complete the minor.

Even though the courses used and requirements met for the Portal minor are those of the Portal Campus the minor is an NYU Shanghai minor and will be identified as such on the student’s transcript. The other requirements and limitations for these minors are identical with the standard ones identified above for all minors.


Posting a minor on your transcript

If you have already completed a minor or are registered for the final class(es) needed to complete a minor during this semester, you must submit this form to have your minor posted on your transcript. The deadline for submitting an application to have a minor posted this Fall 2017 semester is October 29, 2017. Minors submitted by this deadline will be posted in Albert, pending approval, by November 10, 2017. The approval review and posting process generally takes 1-3 weeks, depending on whether it is a cross-school minor that may also require a New York-based department to review it.

Minor Completion Form
