
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Mathematics

Faculty Mentors
Yuning Liu

Prof. Yuning Liu
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Student Testimonial

Xu-Aiwen“I chose mathematics as my major because mathematics lays down the foundation for whatever I plan to do in the future (and that I haven’t decided yet). Moreover, mathematics is like a game and a riddle. I like it because most of the time it is fun. ” – Aiwen Xu, Class of 2018



Recommended Courses in Spring 2018 for Freshmen:

Multivariable Calculus
Linear Algebra
Writing as Inquiry

Recommended Courses in Spring 2018 for Sophomores:

Ordinary Differential Equations
Complex Variables
Probability and Statistics


Degree Requirements – 2017-18 Bulletin

* = offered in Spring ’18 in Shanghai 

NOTE: The requirements below are from the online version of the 2017-2018 bulletin. Please refer to the Registrar’s All Majors Degree Requirements if you are following a different major version.

Note that MATH-SHU 265 Linear Algebra and Differential Equations can’t substitute MATH-SHU 140 Linear Algebra. For any course that requires Linear Algebra as the pre-req, students have to meet the pre-req by taking Linear Algebra.

*MATH-SHU 123 Multivariable Calculus  (pre-req: MATH-SHU 121 Calculus)

*MATH-SHU 140 Linear Algebra (can be substituted by Honors Linear Algebra I) (pre-req: MATH-SHU 121 Calculus)

*MATH-SHU 235 Probability and Statistics (pre-req: MATH-SHU 121 Calculus. Not open to students who have taken MATH-SHU 233 Honors Theory of Probability and/or MATH-UA 234 Mathematical Statistics.) OR MATH-SHU 233 Honors Theory of Probability (pre-reqs: MATH-SHU 328 Honors Analysis I and MATH-SHU 140 Linear Algebra)

MATH-SHU 262 Ordinary Differential Equations I (can be substituted by *MATH-SHU 362 Honors Ordinary Differential Equations) (pre-reqs: MATH-SHU 121 Calculus and MATH-SHU 140 Linear Algebra OR MATH-SHU 201 Honors Calculus and MATH-SHU 141 Honors Linear Algebra I)

*MATH-SHU 282 Functions of a Complex Variable (pre-reqs: MATH-SHU 123 Multivariable Calculus and MATH-SHU 140 Linear Algebra OR MATH-SHU 329 Honors Analysis II and MATH-SHU 141 Honors Linear Algebra I)

Choose Eight. At least two must be from the “Constrained Math Electives” Category. This list is not inclusive, other courses may be added if approved.

Constrained Math Electives

MATH-SHU 201 Honors Calculus (pre-req: MATH-SHU 121 Calculus with a grade of A or A- OR Placement via NYU SH Mathematics Placement Examination.)

MATH-SHU 141 Honors Linear Algebra I (pre-req: MATH-SHU 121 Calculus with a grade of A or A- OR Placement via NYU SH Mathematics Placement Examination.)

*MATH-SHU 142 Honors Linear Algebra II (pre-req: MATH-SHU 141 Honors Linear Algebra I)
MATH-SHU 233 Honors Theory of Probability (pre-reqs: MATH-SHU 328 Honors Analysis I and MATH-SHU 140 Linear Algebra)

*MATH-SHU 328 Honors Analysis I (pre-req: MATH-SHU 201 Honors Calculus)

MATH-SHU 329 Honors Analysis II (pre-reqs: MATH-SHU 328 Honors Analysis I and MATH-SHU 140 Linear Algebra. Note that Honors Linear Algebra I is strongly suggested to take as the pre-req.)

MATH-SHU 348/MATH-UA 348 Honors Algebra I

MATH-SHU 349/MATH-UA 329 Honors Algebra II

*MATH-SHU 377 Differential Geometry (pre-req: MATH-SHU 329 Honors Analysis II)

Additional Mathematics Electives 

CSCI-SHU 2314 Discrete Mathematics 

*MATH-SHU 160 Networks and Dynamics (pre-reqs: MATH-SHU 121 Calculus OR MATH-SHU 201 Honors Calculus AND MATH-SHU 140 Linear Algebra)

*MATH-SHU 226/MATH-GA 2550 Functional Analysis

MATH-SHU 230/MATH-UA 230 Fluid Dynamics

MATH-SHU 240/MATH-UA 240 Combinatorics

*MATH-SHU 234 Mathematical Statistics (pre-reqs: MATH-SHU 140 Linear Algebra, MATH-SHU 123 Multivariable Calculus and MATH-SHU 235 Probability and Statistics.)

*MATH-SHU 250 Mathematics of Finance (pre-reqs: MATH-SHU 123 Multivariable Calculus AND MATH-SHU 235 Probability and Statistics or MATH-SHU 233 Honors Theory of Probability)

MATH-SHU 251 Scientific Computations

*MATH-SHU 252 Numerical Analysis (pre-reqs: MATH-SHU 123 Multivariable Calculus and MATH-SHU 140 Linear Algebra OR MATH-SHU 329 Honors Analysis II and MATH-SHU 141 Honors Linear Algebra I)

*MATH-SHU 263 Partial Differential Equations (pre-req: MATH-SHU 262 Ordinary Differential Equations or MATH-SHU 362 Honors Ordinary Differential Equations)

*MATH-SHU 339 Real Variables (pre-req: MATH-SHU 328 Honors Analysis I or MATH-SHU 329 Honors Analysis II. Honors Analysis II is preferred. This is a high level course in analysis which requires a very good background in proving theorems. Students who did not have a high grade in Honors Analysis I or Honors Analysis II are strongly encouraged to consult the course instructor to see whether they have enough background.)

MATH-SHU 341 Number Theory (pre-req: MATH-SHU 349 Honors Algebra II)

MATH-SHU 375/MATH-GA 2310 Topology

MATH-SHU 345 Intro to Stochastic Processes (pre-reqs: MATH-SHU 140 Linear Algebra and MATH-SHU 233 Honors Theory of Probability)

*MATH-SHU 997 Math Independent Study: Please follow the instruction and fill out the permission form.

Minor Requirements

Mathematics Minor: 4 courses
Four 4-credit mathematics courses at the introductory Calculus level or higher. Of current math offerings, Linear Algebra and Differential Equations, Math for Economists would not count for the minor.