Electrical and Systems Engineering

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Electrical and Systems Engineering

Degree Requirements

Electrical and Systems Engineering at NYU Shanghai is designed to create technological leaders with a global perspective, a broad education, and the capacity to think creatively. Innovations by electrical engineers touch every aspect of modern life, from the subway systems beneath our cities to the HD televisions on our walls to the smart phones in our pockets. But this process of innovation is never complete, and new challenges await tomorrow’s electrical engineers. The Electrical and Systems Engineering program draws upon courses across an array of disciplines. The liberal arts core provides the intellectual breadth, a “license to learn,” preparing students to thrive in a multicultural globalized world and to learn and adapt quickly in areas that evolve with ever-increasing swiftness. Students not only gain a firm grounding across various science and engineering fields that underscore the technical component of an engineering education, but also draw upon courses to develop an understanding of cultural, political, economic, environmental, and public safety considerations. These studies often include hands-on coursework in our state-of-the-art laboratories. In addition, the variety of specialized subjects you can investigate through elective coursework — from wireless communication to smart grid power systems — ensures a highly flexible education suited to your particular interests.

Recommended Spring 2018 Courses for Freshmen

1. Writing as Inquiry
2. General Physics 2 / Foundations of Physics 2 + Foundations of Physics 2 Lab
3. Introduction to Computer Programming / Introduction to Computer Science
4. Chinese Language Course / English for Academic Purposes

Recommended Spring 2018 Courses for Sophomores *

1. Circuits
2. Linear Algebra & Differential Equations / Linear Algebra / Networks and Dynamics
3. General Physics 2 / Foundations of Physics 2 + Foundations of Physics 2 Lab OR Core Curriculum Course
4. Chinese Language Course / Core Curriculum Course / General Elective Course

* For students who haven’t already taken Introduction to Computer Programming or Introduction to Computer Science, they should take this course first.

Faculty Mentor: Prof. Keith Ross

Office: Room 1415
Email: keithwross@nyu.edu | Profile



Student Testimonial

“Servilathika_2ce has always been one of my passions, but I have also always been interested in technology and science. I therefore decided to pursue Electrical Engineering in an effort to combine these two interests, so that one day I can use my technical knowledge to help the advancement of technology that can help ease the lives of others. While my plans after graduation from NYU Shanghai are yet to be determined, I hope to pursue further studies or experience in an engineering field that helps me exercise innovation and creativity. But what I like most about my field is the wide range of areas it exposes me to – from huge power systems to small electronics and tiny integrated circuits in the objects we use everyday. EE has helped me understand the true power of engineering and its necessity to drive today’s world.” – Lathika Chandra Mouli, Class of 2017

Degree Requirements – 2017-18 Bulletin
Total: 14 courses

* = offered in Spring ’18 in Shanghai

NOTE: The requirements below are from the online version of the 2017-2018 bulletin. Note that the online version has some updates not in the printed version so you should consult the online version.

To fulfill the Core Curriculum Science requirement, students must take: 1) PHYS-SHU 91 Foundations of Physics I Honors or CCSC-SHU 50 Physics I; 2) PHYS-SHU 93 Foundations of Physics II Honors or CCSC-SHU 51 Physics II; and 3) CCSC-SHU 53 Physics II Lab.

REQUIRED MAJOR COURSES: All 10 courses below
  • MATH-SHU 123 Multivariable Calculus* Pre-req: Calculus
  • MATH-SHU 265 Linear Algebra and Differential Equations* Pre-req: Calculus OR MATH-SHU 140 Linear Algebra* Pre-req: Calculus OR MATH-SHU 160 Networks and DynamicsPre-reqs: Calculus and Linear Algebra
  • MATH-SHU 235 Probability and Statistics* Pre-reqs: Calculus OR MATH-SHU 233 Honors Theory of Probability* Pre-reqs: Honors Analysis 1 and Linear Algebra/Honors Linear Algebra 1
  • CSCI-SHU 11 Introduction to Programming* OR CSCI-SHU 101 Introduction to Computer Science* Pre-req: Introduction to Programming
  • EENG-SHU 251 Circuits* Pre-req: Calculus
  • CENG-SHU 201 Digital Logic Pre-req: Introduction to Programming or Introduction to Computer Science or Interaction Lab
  • EE-UY 3054 Signals and Systems – taught in Tandon in New York
  • EE-UY 3114 Electronics – taught in Tandon in New York
  • EE-UY 3604 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves – taught in Tandon in New York
  • EENG-SHU 400 Senior Capstone Design Project
Not every course listed is taught every semester, and in any given semester other courses may be offered that fulfill this requirement. Requirements may be met through equivalent courses in the Global Network with prior approval. If you find a class not on the list that you would like to count towards this requirement, please email your advisor.

Choose 2 from these 4 courses:

  • EE-UY 3064 Feedback Control Systems – taught in Tandon in New York
  • EE-UY 3404 Communication Systems – taught in Tandon in New York
  • EE-UY 3124 Electronics II – taught in Tandon in New York
  • EE-UY 3824 Electric Energy Conversion Systems – taught in Tandon in New York

Choose 2 more from the following list of courses:

  • CENG-SHU 350 / EE-UY 3144 / EE-UY 4144 Embedded Computer Systems* Pre-reqs: “Intro to Programming or Intro to Computer Science” AND “Computer Architecture or Digital Logic”
  • CSCI-SHU 308 Computer Networking* Pre-req: Intro to Programming
  • EE-UY 3064 Feedback Control Systems – taught in Tandon in New York
  • EE-UY 3404 Communication Systems – taught in Tandon in New York
  • EE-UY 3124 Electronics II – taught in Tandon in New York
  • EE-UY 3824 Electric Energy Conversion Systems – taught in Tandon in New York
  • EENG-SHU 3193 / EE-UY 3193 Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) Circuit Design – taught in Tandon in New York
  • EL-GY 6113 Digital Signal Processing – taught in Tandon in New York
  • EENG-SHU 375 Robotic Systems
  • EENG-SHU 306 Instrumentation, Sensors and Actuators

Minor Requirements

Electrical and Systems Engineering Minor: 4 courses
  • CSCI-SHU 11 Introduction to Programming* OR INTM-SHU 101 Interaction Lab*
  • EENG-SHU 251 Circuits*
  • CENG-SHU 201 Digital Logic
  • Electrical and Systems Engineering Elective
