Data Science

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Data Science

Faculty Mentors
Degree Requirements
Concentration Options
Double Majors
Minor Requirements
Undergraduate Research

Data Science at NYU Shanghai is designed to create data-driven leaders with a global perspective, a broad education, and the capacity to think creatively. Data science involves using computerized methods to analyze massive amounts of data and to extract knowledge from them. Data science addresses a wide-range of data types, including scientific and economic numerical data, textual data, and image and video data. This new discipline draws from methodologies and tools in several well established fields, including computer science, statistics, applied mathematics, and economics. Data science has applications in just about every academic discipline, including sociology, political science, digital humanities, linguistics, finance, marketing, urban informatics, medical informatics, genomics, image content analysis, and all branches of engineering and the physical sciences. The importance of data science is expected to accelerate in the coming years, as data from the web, mobile sensors, smartphones, and Internet-connected instruments continues to grow.

Students who complete the major will not only have expertise in computer programming, statistics, and data mining, but also know how to combine these tools to solve contemporary problems in a discipline of their choice, including the social science, physical science, and engineering disciplines. Upon graduation, data science majors have numerous career paths. You can go on to graduate school in data science, computer science, social science, business, finance, medicine, law, linguistics, education, and so on. Outside of academe, there are also myriad career paths. Not only can you pursue careers with traditional data-driven computer-science companies and startups such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft, but also with companies in the transportation, energy, medical, and financial sectors. You can also pursue careers in the public sector, including urban planning, law enforcement, and education.

Recommended Spring 2018 Courses for Freshmen

1. Writing as Inquiry
2. Introduction to Programming / Introduction to Computer Science
3. Probability and Statistics / Statistics for Business and Economics / Biostatistics
4. Chinese Language Course / English for Academic Purposes

Recommended Spring 2018 Courses for Sophomores

1. Data Structures OR Domain-area Course (if Data Structures has been taken)
2. Econometrics
3. Machine Learning OR Core Curriculum Course (if Machine Learning has been taken)
4. Chinese Language Course / Core Curriculum Course / General Elective Course / Analysis 1

Faculty Mentors

Prof. Keith Ross
Dean of Engineering and Computer Science
Office: 1415 | Email: | Profile


Prof. Yuxin Chen
Dean of Business

Office: 1124 | Email: | Profile


Degree Requirements – 2017-2018

* = offered in Spring ’18 in Shanghai

Prerequisite Courses
  • CSCI-SHU 101 Introduction to Computer Science* Pre-req: Introduction to Computer Programming
  • MATH-SHU 235 Probability and Statistics* Pre-req: “Calculus” and “Linear Algebra or Multivariable Calculus” OR MATH-SHU 233 Honors Theory of Probability* Pre-req: “Honors Analysis 1” and “Linear Algebra or Honors Linear Algebra 1” OR BUSF-SHU 101 Statistics for Business and Economics* OR BIOL-SHU 42 Biostatistics 
    Note that SOSC-SHU 210 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences does not count towards this requirement.
Programming/Computer Science Courses
  • CSCI-SHU 210 Data Structures*
Math Courses
  • MATH-SHU 123 Multivariable Calculus* OR ECON-SHU 5 / ECON-SHU 201 Math for Economists* (2 credits in Spring 18 or 4 credits)
  • MATH-SHU 140 Linear Algebra* OR MATH-SHU 265 Linear Algebra and Differential Equations* OR MATH-SHU 141 Honors Linear Algebra I
Data Analysis Courses
  • ECON-SHU 301 Econometrics*
  • CSCI-SHU 360 Machine Learning*
  • CSCI-SHU 235 Information Visualization OR INTM-SHU 230-002 Generative Language (Note: This course was offered in Fall 2017. Future course offering is dependent on faculty availability.)  
Data Management Course
  • CSCI-SHU 213 / CS-UY 3083 Databases*
Concentration Courses
  • 2 domain-area courses
  • Senior project or another domain-area course

Note: For a concentration in Finance, students need to take all four courses listed below.


Concentration Options

Domain-Area Courses for Concentration in Finance
  • ECON-SHU 3 Microeconomics*
  • BUSF-SHU 250 Principles of Financial Accounting*
  • BUSF-SHU 202 Foundations of Finance*
  • BUSF-SHU 303 Corporate Finance*

– No senior project required.
– 13 courses total

Domain-Area Courses for Concentration in Economics
  • ECON-SHU 3 Microeconomics*
  • ECON-SHU 1 Macroeconomics*
  • Senior project or approved quantitative economics course (see course list here, scroll down to “Concentration in Economics courses” section)

– Students can take Math for Economists (2 credits or 4 credits) en lieu of Multivariable Calculus.
– 6 economics courses in program.
– 12 courses total.

Domain-Area Courses for Concentration in Genomics
  • BIOL-SHU 21 Foundations of Biology 1 and lab*
  • BIOL-SHU 22 Foundations of Biology 2 and lab
  • BIOL-SHU 261 Bioinformatics
  • Senior project

– Foundations of Biology 1 can count as core curriculum course.
– 12 courses total.

Domain-Area Courses for Concentration in Computer Science
  • Two courses from:
    • CENG-SHU 202 Computer Architecture* OR CSCI-UA 201 Computer Systems Organization
    • CSCI-SHU 215 Operating Systems
    • CSCI-SHU 2314 Discrete Mathematics*
    • CS-UY 2413 / CSCI-UA 310 / CSCI-SHU 220 Algorithms*
  • CSCI-SHU 420 Senior Project

– 12 courses total.

Domain-Area Courses for Concentration in Mathematics
  • Three approved math courses in addition to Multivariable Calculus and Linear Algebra. (See approved math course list here, scroll down to “Concentration in Mathematics courses” section.)
  • Students who wish to take honors math courses could take:
    • MATH-SHU 201 Honors Calculus
    • MATH-SHU 328 Honors Analysis 1*
    • MATH-SHU 329 Honors Analysis 2
    • MATH-SHU 141 Honors Linear Algebra 1
    • MATH-SHU 142 Honors Linear Algebra 2*
    • Senior Project

– 12 courses total.

Domain-Area Courses for Concentration in Artificial Intelligence
  • Two courses from:
    • CSCI-UA 480 Natural Language Processing
    • CSCI-SHU 372 / CS-UY 4613 Artificial Intelligence
    • Advanced Topics in Machine Learning
  • Senior Project

– 12 courses total.

Domain-Area Courses for Concentration in Social Science
  • Three courses from:
    • ECON-SHU 3 Microeconomics*
    • PSYC-SHU 101 Introduction to Psychology
    • SOCS-SHU 150 Introduction to Comparative Politics
    • SOCS-SHU 160 Introduction to International Politics
    • SOCS-SHU 141 Methods of Social Research*
    • ECON-SHU 213 Causal Inference in the Social Sciences
    • SOCS-SHU 318 Ethnographic Methods*

– 12 courses total.


Double Majors

If you are interested in pursuing a Data Science major along with an Economics major, a Computer Science major, a Business major, or a Mathematics major, these are the relevant guidelines:

  • The course requirements need to be satisfied in both majors.
  • More than two courses may be double-counted between the majors but each major must have at least 7 singly-counted courses.
  • The double major must be approved by the faculty and Deans responsible for the two majors. Students should first work with their academic advisor to initiate this process.
  • Double-counted courses cannot also be counted for the core curriculum requirements since each course can only count for at most two requirements.

You can view sample plans on how a major in Data Science and an Economics major, a Computer Science major, a Business major, or a Mathematics major may be completed HERE.


Minor Requirements

Minor in Data Science: 5 courses
  • CSCI-SHU 101 Introduction to Computer Science*
  • CSCI-SHU 210 Data Structures*
  • MATH-SHU 235 Probability and Statistics* OR BUSF-SHU 101 Statistics for Business and Economics* OR MATH-SHU 233 Honors Theory of Probability* OR BIOL-SHU 42 Biostatistics
  • ECON-SHU 301 Econometrics*
  • CSCI-SHU 360 Machine Learning*

Note: Computer Science majors should additionally take Information Visualization OR Databases to earn at least 12 unique credits for the minor.


Undergraduate Research

Undergraduate Research Opportunities
