Computer Science

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Computer Science

Degree Requirements

Computer science has led to revolutionary innovations in entertainment, the humanities, health care, business, the news media, communications, education, scientific research, and the arts. Although it is a relatively young field, computer science has produced many of the advances of modern life that we now take for granted. It has given medical researchers tools to understand and cure diseases, helped biologists decipher the human genome, has created new paradigms for how people interact with social networks and smartphones, and has created automatic language translation systems and self-driving cars. In the near future, artificial intelligence, robotics, and the Internet of Things will likely further transform our society beyond our imagination.

Recommended Spring 2018 Courses for Freshmen

1. Writing as Inquiry
2. Introduction to Computer Programming / Introduction to Computer Science / Data Structures
3. Core Curriculum Course
4. Chinese Language Course / English for Academic Purposes

Recommended Spring 2018 Courses for Sophomores

1. Computer Architecture
2. Computer Science Elective
3. Core Curriculum Course
4. Chinese Language Course / Core Curriculum Course / General Elective Course / Math Course

Recommended math courses are Theory of Probability, Linear Algebra, Analysis 1, and Multivariable Calculus.

Faculty Mentors

Prof. Keith Ross
Office: 1415 | Email: | Profile

Zheng, Zhang

Prof. Zheng Zhang
Office: 1118 | Email: | Profile


Prof. Olivier Marin
Office: 1243 | Email: | Profile



Computer Science Student Testimonials


“Computer Science is all about the future. I am strongly interested in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Those techniques are currently being rapidly developed in academia and extensively deployed in various tech giants like Facebook and Google. Also, many of their applications, say Google Self-Driving Car, are most likely to change our future. ” – Tianyi Zheng, Class of 2018

Degree Requirements – 2017-18 Bulletin
Total: 12 courses

* = offered in Spring ’18 in Shanghai

CSCI-SHU 101 Introduction to Computer Science* Pre-req: Introduction to Programming
MATH-SHU 235 Probability and Statistics* Pre-req: Calculus OR MATH-SHU 233 Honors Theory of Probability* Pre-req: “Honors Analysis 1” and “Linear Algebra or Honors Linear Algebra 1” OR BUSF-SHU 101 Statistics for Business and Economics* OR BIOL-SHU 42 Biostatistics 
CSCI-SHU 210 Data Structures* Pre-req: ICS, OR A in ICP, OR A- in ICP and enrolled in ICS concurrent to Data Structures
CSCI-SHU 2314 Discrete Mathematics* Pre-req: Calculus or Honors Calculus
CENG-SHU 202 Computer Architecture* OR CSCI-UA 201 Computer Systems Organization Pre-req: Intro to Programming or Intro to Computer Science
CS-UY 2413 / CSCI-UA 310 / CSCI-SHU 220 Algorithms* Pre-reqs: “Discrete Math” and “Data Structures”
CSCI-SHU 215 Operating Systems Pre-reqs: “Data Structures” AND “Computer Architecture or Computer Systems Organization”
CSCI-SHU 420 Senior Project*
Not every course listed is taught every semester, and in any given semester other courses may be offered that fulfill this requirement. Requirements may be met through equivalent courses in the Global Network with prior approval. If you find a class not on the list that you would like to count towards this requirement, please email your advisor.

  • CSCI-SHU 188 Computer Music* Pre-req: Intro to Programming OR Intro to Computer Science OR Interaction Lab
  • CSCI-SHU 213 / CS-UY 3083 Databases* Pre-req: Intro to Computer Science
  • CSCI-SHU 308 Computer Networking* Pre-req: Intro to Programming
  • CENG-SHU 350 Embedded Computer Systems* Pre-reqs: “Computer Architecture or Digital Logic” AND “Intro to Programming OR Intro to Computer Science”
  • CSCI-SHU 360 Machine Learning and Data Mining* Pre-reqs: Intro to Programming AND Calculus/Honors Calculus AND a statistics course
  • CSCI-SHU 410 / CS-UY 4513 Software Engineering* Pre-req: Intro to Computer Science
  • BUSF-SHU 326 Big Data and Accounting Analytics* Pre-reqs: Principles of Financial Accounting AND Introduction to Computer Science OR with Instructor Permission
  • CENG-SHU 201 Digital Logic Pre-req: Intro to Programming or Intro to Computer Science OR Interaction Lab
  • CSCI-SHU 235 Information Visualization Pre-req: Data Structures
  • INTM-SHU 230-002 Topics in Computation & Data: Generative Language Pre-req: Intro to Programming or Interaction Lab or Communications Lab
  • INTM-SHU 231 Developing Web
  • CSCI-SHU 222 Game Programming Pre-reqs: Data Structures or Data Structures and Algorithms (CS-UY 2134) or Intro to Computer Science with Department Consent
  • CSCI-SHU 402 Advanced Algorithms
  • CSCI-SHU 372 / CS-UY 4613 Artificial Intelligence
  • CSCI-SHU 323 / CSCI-UA 480 Computer Graphics
  • CENG-SHU 304 / CS-UY 3923 Computer Security
  • CSCI-UA 201 Computer Systems Organization (if not taken as a major required course)
  • CSCI-SHU 271 Computer Vision
  • CSCI-UA 480 iOS Application Development Pre-req: Intro to Computer Science – B grade or higher recommended
  • CSCI-SHU 378 Introduction to Cryptography
  • CSCI-UA 480 Natural Language Processing
  • CS-UY 3933 Network Security
  • CENG-SHU 303 / CSCI-UA 480 Parallel and Distributed Computing
  • EENG-SHU 375 Robotic System
  • CSCI-SHU 358 / CSCI-UA 453 Theory of Computation
  • CSCI-SHU 310 / CS-UY 3393 UNIX System Programming

Minor Requirements

Computer Science Minor: 4 or 5 courses
  • MATH-SHU 121 Calculus*
  • CSCI-SHU 11 Introduction to Programming* Students can place out of this course if they have prior programming background through the placement exam. 
  • CSCI-SHU 101 Introduction to Computer Science* 
  • CSCI-SHU 210 Data Structures*
  • CENG-SHU 202 Computer Architecture*
  • One Computer Science Elective course (DM-UY 2193 Intro to Web Development, INTM-SHU 231 Developing Web or CSCI-UA courses under 100 level do not count towards the minor. CS-UY 3913 Java and Web Design can count towards the minor.)

Note: Data Science majors should take one additional Computer Science Elective to earn at least 12 unique credits for the minor.
