Business & Finance

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Business and Finance

Degree Requirements

Faculty Mentor: Prof. Raymond Ro




Business & Finance Student Testimonials

Yang Siyuan“I did not know much about business and finance before so I was not that interested in this major. But after I took the classes, especially  Foundations of Finance, I found it attracted me. During the process of choosing a major, I also took classes in other majors, such as IMA and Humanities. They were also interesting to me but not as much as Business and Finance. So I think it’s better to take different kinds of classes before claiming a major.” – Siyuan Yang, Class of 2018

“All I knew about Business & Finance beforehand was that it is the most popular major not only at NYUSH but also at many other universities. However this Xiang-Shancannot be the reason for me to decide my major. I love Business & Finance because it is the combination of rational calculation and social interaction. You can deal with documents and at the same time you can learn how to communicate with different people. The courses in B&F are varied and start from fundamental courses. We are taking finance, marketing, and so on. We can have a brief idea about the business world and what I like most is that I understand the life I live better from what I have learned since B&F is really the social science to tell the story of the business world.” – Shan Xiang, Class of 2018

Li Chenghao“I used to read many books about Business & Finance, especially Financial Mathematics. After entering NYU Shanghai, I engaged myself into many major exploring activities in order to learn more about different majors. I also participated in many outschool activities in order to find my academic interests. For Business & Finance, I think the most important thing is to know why you choose it as a major and what your specific academic interest in this field.” – Chenghao Li, Class of 2019

Recommended Courses in Spring 2018 for Freshmen:

  • Writing as Inquiry
  • Microeconomics
  • Statistics for Business and Economics
  • EAP/Chinese

Recommended courses in Spring 2018 for Sophomores:

  • Economics of Global Business
  • Corporate Finance
  • Core/Chinese
  • Core/General Elective

Degree Requirements – 2017-18 Bulletin

* = offered in Spring’18 in Shanghai

BUSF-SHU 101 Statistics for Business and Economics* (4 Credits)
BUSF-SHU 202 Foundations of Finance* (4 Credits) Pre-req: Statistics for Business and Economics; Microeconomics
BUSF-SHU 250 Principles of Financial Accounting* (4 Credits) Pre-req: Not open to freshmen
ECON-SHU 3 Microeconomics* (4 Credits) Pre-req: Calculus or Honors Calculus
ECON-SHU 251 Economics of Global Business*  (4 Credits) Pre-req: Microeconomics
BUSF-SHU 303 Corporate Finance* (4 Credits) Pre-req: Foundations of Finance
BUSF-SHU 142 (205) Information Technology in Business and Society(4 Credits)
BUSF-SHU 210 Business Analytics* (4 Credits) Pre-req: Business Major priority; A prior Statistics Course (BUSF-SHU 101)
BUSF-SHU 351 Competitive Advantage from Operations (4 Credits) Pre-req: Business major priority; no freshmen 
MKTG-SHU 1 Introduction to Marketing* (4 Credits) Pre-req: Not open to freshmen
MGMT-SHU 301 Management and Organizations* (4 Credits) Pre-req: Business major priority; no freshmen
Note: Any 4-credit Finance elective course offered at NYU Shanghai or any 3-credit Finance elective course offered by the Stern Finance Department can count as a Finance elective. Taking two 2-credit Finance courses will be counted as meeting the requirement of one Finance elective.
BUSF-SHU 321 Equity Valuation(4 Credits) Pre-req: Corporate Finance
MATH-SHU 235 Mathematics of Finance* (4 Credits) Pre-reqs: MATH-SHU 123 (Multivariable Calculus) and 235 Probability and Statistics ( or 233 Theory of Probability)
BUSF-SHU 244 Portfolio Management* (4 Credits) Pre-reqs: Foundations of Finance
BUSF-SHU 304 Futures and Options* (4 Credits) Pre-reqs: Foundations of Finance
BUSF-SHU 305 Debts Instruments and Markets* (4 Credits) Pre-reqs: Foundations of Finance
NON-FINANCE ELECTIVES – Choose Two from the Following Areas
BUSF-SHU 326 Big Data and Accounting Analytics* (4 Credits) Pre-req: Bus major priority; Principles of Fin Accounting (BUSF-SHU 250), and Introduction to Computer Science (CSCI-SHU 101)
BUSF-SHU 350 Managerial Accounting* (4 Credits) Pre-req: Bus major priority; Principles of Fin Accounting (BUSF-SHU 250)
BUSF-SHU 309 Financial Statement Analysis* (4 Credits) Pre-req: TBD
Information System
BUSF-SHU 200C Topics in Business: The Globalization of Business Enterprise* (4 Credits) Pre-req: Bus major priority; no freshmen
BUSF-SHU 211 Design Thinking* (4 Credits)
BUSF-SHU 232 Entrepreneurship Explored* (4 Credits)
MGMT-SHU 18 Strategic Analysis* (4 Credits) Pre-req: Bus major priority; no freshmen
MGMT-SHU 301 Management and Organizations* (4 Credits) Pre-req: Bus major priority; no freshmen
MKTG-SHU 2 Consumer Behavior* (4 Credits) Pre-req: Intro to Marketing
MKTG-SHU 3 Advertising Management* (4 Credits) Pre-req: Bus major priority; Intro to Marketing (or Instructor Permission)
MKTG-SHU 9 Research for Customer Insights(4 Credits) Pre-req: Intro to Marketing
MKTG-SHU 57 Digital Marketing* (4 Credits) Pre-req Bus major priority; Intro to Marketing (or Instructor Permission)
CCST-SHU 132 Topics: Creativity Considered(4 Credits) 
BUSF-SHU 3 Business Honors Seminar* (3 Credits) Pre-req: Senior standing; must be selected by business program
SOIM-SHU 65 Organizational Communication & Its Social Context* (4 Credits) Pre-req: Bus major priority; no freshmen
BUSF-SHU 200B Topics in Business: Real Business Case Projects* (4 Credits) Pre-req: Business Majors; Senior Standing
LWSO-SHU 491 International Investment Transactions in Developing Countries* (4 Credits) Pre-req: open to seniors or juniors with instructor permission
BUSF-SHU 188 Chinese Business and Finance — A Bilingual Introduction (CHIN-SHU 429)(4 Credits) Pre-req: Business Majors; Senior Standing Instructor Consent Required
BUSF-SHU 3 Business Honors Seminar* (3 Credits) Pre-req: Senior standing; must be selected by business program
BUSF-SHU 288 Doing Business in China* (4 Credits) Pre-req: Senior Standing
BUSF-SHU 200B Topics in Business: Real Business Case Projects* (4 Credits) Pre-req: Business Majors; Senior Standing
BUSF-SHU 200D Topics in Business: Business Consulting in China(4 Credits) Pre-req: Business Majors; Senior/Junior Standing; Management and Organizations and/or Intro to Marketing
MKTG-SHU 200 Topics: Strategic Marketing in China: Live Project and Case Studies* (4 Credits) Pre-req: Intro to Marketing; Senior/Junior Standing
OPTIONAL: “Marketing Track” 
MKTG-SHU 1(9001)/BUSF-SHU 302 Introduction to Marketing Can be double-counted as a Business Core Elective.
Two Marketing Elective Courses See list here.
