Rococo Clouds | Susan White


by Susan White

She embraced her life
the day she let go
from the steel and the concrete
to the water below.
Her last sight
the glint of a bright shining sun.
Her last thought
to ask, “what have I done?”
To have given so blithely
into a whim
as her two broken arms
tried too late to swim.

Susan White has spent much of her adult life living and working in Manhattan, where she raised a son and two Norwich Terriers with her photographer husband. She was the photography director of Vanity Fair magazine for many years, under the notable editorship of Graydon Carter, until his retirement in 2017. For the past two years she have been engaged in a variety of photography projects, the most recent being the co-curation of a Vanity Fair photo exhibit at The Annenberg Space for Photography in Los Angeles. She has been taking classes at NYU for years, mostly in Art History.