Category: Spring 2020

Glenn Just Then

by Timothy P. Fenn Carolyn slowly scanned her eyes over the “body” of the mountaintop, known as the “Sleeping Giant,” and read it from left to right: the chiseled “head,” …

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The Caduceus

by David Reames   An excerpt from an Untitled novel   Detroit 2020 My boots crunch and squelch in the slushy snow along I-94. The Cadieux overpass is less than …

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Nurse Jane

by Ashley Herzig At exactly nine o’clock, I push open the double doors to the ICU and take a deep inhale.  Ah, that smell. Disinfectant, ammonia, just a hint of …

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by Janet Levinson “Who the hell put the spoon in the slot with the cake forks?” he fumed, holding the wooden drawer in his hands.      “Me, you idiot. …

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