Euryale | Perry Gregory


by Cindy Gecaj

The vapor in the room,
condensed itself into tendrils,
all thick and syrupy.
They coiled around my neck,
tight enough
to bleed through skin.

We were in the heat,
bodies interlaced,
near suffocation.
I did not care.

You sank your teeth into my shoulder
and I marveled at the puncture
oozing sinful and exquisite.

I’m hollow
because you’ve begun
to slip from my throat.

Cindy Gecaj is a senior majoring in Real Estate at the NYUSPS Schack Institute. She grew up in Westchester, New York, and this is the first time her work has been published. She hopes to one day become a sustainable developer while also continuing to tap into her creative side (drawing, writing, dancing, etc.). In her spare time, she likes to travel, exercise, and garden. She also loves photography and speaks three languages.