Mount Hua | Aleksandra Artyfikiewicz


by Beth Ann Mastromarino

The Silk Road laughs as Hebrew letters ride
Epona’s back through Neptune’s loamy sighs.
Caravans in ports of call melt nightly,
Form one society of golden coin
Trading vases, trading gods, trading lore.
Cinnamon scented ivory statues meet
Parthian tapestries on Buddhist walls
Dionysus overflows the Ganges, while
Winds of Greece blow through the halls of Han.

Beth Ann Mastromarino is a senior at NYUSPS, graduating in 2019 with her BA in Humanities. Outside of pursuing her degree, Beth is a professional percussionist, filmmaker, and prolific writer whose short stories can be found in the rare books section of the New York Public Library as part of the Find the Future collection. Her work focuses on, and is dedicated to, her family.