Withering | Jason Zuowei Xiao


by Rosa Marcia

His eyes were a silver bruised sky. The calm before the storm. A storm that was always brewing inside my head. Cumulonimbus clouds fast approaching the horizon of my mind. He could sense the thunder in me, the low rumble and lightning he knew would soon strike.
     He filled me with soft smiles, warm like the sun. He didn’t know it but he was the anchor my ship needed on the treacherous seas of thoughts and doubt.
     Help me, my mind shouted.
     Tell me how, he replied without saying a word. His sliver blue eyes searched my face for answers. If his eyes were pools, I would swim in them forever, caught below the waves.
     Self-doubt and anxiety pulled me under the abyss just as I started to break the surface. Fear gripping me as everything went dark. It is too strong and I am too weak. I am tired. I give in to the darkness and it takes me happily.
     He is there in dark waters radiating light. His smile warms the sea.
     I got you, he says without speaking. I give into his strong embrace and let him pull me to the surface. Air is a blessing to my lungs. His arms around me are healing. The skies are clearing and the storm is passing. I am me again.
     He is the moon and I am the sea.
     He gifts me stars that reflect upon my waters.
     These clear silky nights erase the last signs of thunderstorms.
     He fills my soul and I am no longer alone.

Rosa Mancia is a freshman at NYU School of Professional Studies. She was born and raised in Queens and is an introvert with an adventurous soul. Her newest hobby is archery and every moment is exhilarating. Since childhood she has always enjoyed writing but it wasn’t until she was much older that she was brave enough to admit to herself that she wanted to be a writer. This is her first published work.