Café Negro

by Rairis M. Morrobel Reyes

If I could ever describe you with one thing that would be:
a bitter, black coffee.

Do not be afraid of the bluntness in my words,
a bitter black coffee has been a friend in my worst days.

But enough about me

Bitter black coffee is not everyone’s cup of tea, it is too intense.
This is the sole reason why nobody enjoys it; this makes it unique.

Its bitterness and pure taste

It’s a dare to just be

Dares to be without the fear of being judged, because a bitter black coffee
knows it’s essential and vital in comparison to

A bland cappuccino.

Bitter black coffee is a confident woman with her feet in the ground, grounding footsteps in the hearts of those who get to know her

Leaving that strong feeling after you drink it.

Bitter black coffee is a stimulant in distinctive ways; it’s addictive.

So, watch out, my friend!

Watch who you give your bitter black coffee to. You can become addicted.

Whoever had the honor of having your bitter black coffee and left,
it’s because not just anybody can handle a bitter, black coffee.

translated from Spanish

Si te podria describir en una cosa seria un café amargo, no te asustes
Una porque el café amargo es un major amigo para mi, en mis peores dias

Pero basta sobre mi

El café amargo no le gusta a todo el mundo porque es muy intenso
Porque casi nadie lo toma es unico a pesar de su amargura de sabor es puro…

Se atreve a ser…
Se atreve a ser el sin miedo a ser juzgado, porque sabe…

Que es necesario para hacer un café con leche

El café amargo es una mujer segura de si misma con los pies en la tierra,
dejando huellas en el Corazon de los que la conocen

Dejando ese fuerte sabor depues de que te lo tomas

El café amargo estimula mejoria en distintas personas les mejora el dia
y Tambien es addictivo

Asi es que ojo amiga mia!

Ojo a quien le des de tu café porque lo puedes Volver adicto al hombre que se le café,
de tu café…

Amiga mia el que se haya tomado su café y lo ha dejado fue
porque estaba muy fuerte no todo el mundo aguanta un café negro.

Rairis M. Morrobel Reyes pronouns are She/her/hers. She is a Media Studies major. An an Afro-Latina, first generation college student of Dominican descent. At age 12, she arrived in the United States with her mother and sister, and a suitcase full of dreams. In pursuit of opportunities and a better education, she moved from Pennsylvania to NYC. She is a writer by passion, co-founder of MR Natural hair care, and an optimistic woman who believes that if we’re all given a chance, we can achieve our goals. She would love to one day publish a book and continue to allow this world to be more inclusive through her writing and products.


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