Wildfire Smoke in NYC: How to Stay Alert and Protect Yourself

More than 100 wildfires have been raging across the Canadian border over the past six weeks. Wind currents carried smoke and haze from the fire southwards across a number of U.S. states, reaching New York City earlier this week. The city recorded at its highest 484 out of 500 on E.P.A’s air quality index, a level categorized as “Hazardous” to individual health.

The National Weather Service advises individuals to protect themselves by doing the following: stay indoors, limit strenuous outdoor physical activity, and wear a N95 mask (or other types of masks that filter PM2.5) when going outdoors for extended periods of time.

To stay informed about changes in local air quality, you can download the EPA AirNow app on your devices or access their website here. Those living in New York City can also sign up for alerts from Notify NYC (by clicking on the link) to receive updates and warnings on air quality. The alerts are available in 14 languages, including American Sign Language.

by Selina Ma