USAID Aims to Strengthen Southeast Asia’s Climate Resilience

A man working with USAID helps with a shipment of relief supplies.

As the world continues to prepare for the deleterious effects of climate change, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is focusing its international efforts on assisting the highly at-risk region of Southeast Asia. The agency aims to increase the region’s resilience to climate change-induced disasters such as flooding, droughts, and heat waves by encouraging international cooperation.

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James Abruzzo, Haoan Chen, and Nancy Hu’s Disaster Plan on Cyber Attack Disaster Plan for New York City

NYC Department of Health building.

Introduction: The charge of the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (NYC DOH) is to ensure the health and well-being of over 8 million residents amidst one of the most populous and diverse cities in the world. Cybersecurity threats have dramatically increased over the past couple of years, including threats to critical CISA infrastructure such as healthcare. This plan is specifically focused on the NYC DOH and outlines the steps to be taken in the event of a cyber-attack targeting the department.

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Edward Rosenbaum’s Case Study on Hurricane Irma and Maria

In September 2017, Puerto Rico was hit by Hurricane Irma and Maria—category five and four storms—in succession. The impact was widespread and catastrophic. Damage to essential infrastructure affected systems of energy, transportation, communications, water supply, and disaster response operations. Federal aid emergency resources were stretched thin as the storms came at the end of hurricane season.

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Devastating Floods in Kenya: A Crisis Unfolds

Flooding in Kenya 2022.

Kenya has been overwhelmed by catastrophic floods resulting in significant loss and suffering since the early rains of March 2024. The severe downpour has unleashed a level of destruction unseen by Kenyans for decades. In rural regions, the full extent of the damages remains unknown. The floods have left 228 Kenyans dead and 23,000 families displaced. 

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Korian ‘Koko’ Thomas’ Case Study on the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster

The Chernobyl disaster in 1986 remains one of the worst nuclear accidents in history, resulting in widespread radioactive contamination and environmental damage. The nuclear reactor explosion led to approximately 30 deaths, the evacuation of 220,000 people, and long-term health complications for thousands of inhabitants, including cancer in nearly 6,000 children. 

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James Abruzzo’s Case Study on World Trade Center 9/11 Attack

9/11 wreckage.

On September 11, 2001, two flights were hijacked by members of Al-Qaeda and were flown into the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center in Manhattan, New York. The attack killed approximately 2,700 people and resulted in a worldwide reexamination of national security, communications infrastructure, and disaster preparedness and response.

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Iman Yusuf’s Case Study on Malaysia Airlines Flight 17

In this case study, Yusuf reports on Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, shot down by a missile attack in 2014 in eastern Ukraine as it traveled from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. Yusuf discusses the investigation of Flight 17’s crash, which had zero survivors, and the role played by international political relations in public health disaster management and response. 

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Kartiki Vaidya’s Case Study on the Bhopal Gas Tragedy

Abandoned pesticide plant in Bhopal, India.

In 1984, the toxic compound methyl isocyanate leaked from a local pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, causing a mass casualty incident. The event affected over 500,000 people, leading to thousands of deaths and long-term illnesses. Vulnerable populations, including women, children, the elderly, and those with pre-existing health conditions, faced exceptionally adverse health effects.

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Mahnoor Ahmed’s Case Study on EgyptAir Flight Crash

In 2016, EgyptAir Flight 804 crashed between Crete and northern Egypt while flying from Paris to Cairo, killing 66 people. Investigators discovered that the crash was caused by a pilot igniting a cigarette onboard, which led to an oxygen leak and a fire in the cockpit. After the crash, authorities analyzed the circumstances of the incident and reconsidered aircraft safety protocols to avoid such events in the future.

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