Ekeji, Li, Mannan, and Xu conducted a cross-sectional study to investigate individual experience, perception, and response regarding COVID-19 and to assess trust in public health authorities during the pandemic. The group designed an online questionnaire and collected 138 responses between February 28, 2023, to March 13, 2023. Most respondents were female, between the ages of 18 and 34, and the vast majority were fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and had received at least one booster shot.
The group found although the majority of vaccinated respondents had accurate knowledge of COVID-19, attributed to higher levels of education and trust in reputable sources for COVID-related information, the study suggests most participants do not trust that the US government is prepared for another pandemic. When asked about their level of confidence in governmental preparedness, 44.2% answered “Not at all,” and 37.7% answered “somewhat.”
The group urges related institutions to take action in addressing the lack of public trust before another crisis, and concludes further research is needed to improve trust in public health agencies.