Katriel Bush, Kristen Smith, and Catrina Turk’s Emergency Operations Plan for Waterborne Illnesses Among Health Clinics in Southern California

Katriel Bush, Kristen Smith, and Catrina Turk created a public health plan to address the prevalence of waterborne illnesses within the Native American community in Southern California. The proportion of affected individuals with waterborne illnesses is statistically higher in Native American populations than in other racial groups. In this plan, Southern California was chosen due to the higher distribution of Native American individuals across the southern cities compared to the Northern California region, leading to a heightened risk of waterborne illnesses within the region.

The mission of Riverside San Bernardino County Indian Health Inc. (RSBCIHI) Clinic is to educate the Native American population in Southern California of the risks associated with contracting a waterborne illness through culturally sensitive, traditional, and respectful methods. This public health plan circulates around disaster preparedness and management, with the hopes of providing better aid in the next water contamination epidemic.