Fall 2021 Disaster Specific Plans

During the Fall 2021 semester, NYU students from Dr. Gershon’s Management of Public Health Disasters course developed plans that were disaster-specific and agency-specific.  The students worked in teams of 2 or 3 students and developed 11 plans including:

  1. Flooding in Coastal Zones of Washington,
  2. Oceanview Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Disaster Plan,
  3. Bahamas Hurricane Disaster Plan,
  4. Bangladesh Coastal Regions Flood Management Initiative,
  5. Zoonotic Spillover Response Plan,
  6. Influenza Virus Outbreak and Response Plan,
  7. New York City Evacuation of Basement Apartments Emergency Response for Major Flooding,
  8. Emergency Alert and Evacuation Plan for US Communities near Nuclear Power Plants, 
  9. 2021 Wildfire Emergency Operations Plan for Lake Tahoe

Although plans are “best practices hypothetical”, they can provide invaluable resources to various agencies and organizations for emergency planning.