Dr. Denis Nash Writes a Commentary on CDC’s Response to Omicron

Dr. Nash analyzes the effectiveness of the CDC’s new guidance for people infected with SARS-CoV2. The new guidelines state that the isolation period should be shortened from 10 days to 5 days, and there isn’t a requirement to test negative before returning to work. This change of policy was based on outdated data, stated Dr. Nash, and the few studies suggesting how to proceed are informal.

He recommends a revision in the preventative recommendations; rather than relying on isolation – a practice that may be moot – other strategies may be more important such as utilizing high-quality face masks, increasing at-home testing, and prioritizing social and physical distancing. Critical services and workers should be protected since society cannot function without them, yet there are no clear mitigation plans to reduce the burden and impacts on this sector. 

Read Dr. Nash article here