Edward Rosenbaum’s Case Study on Hurricane Irma and Maria

In September 2017, Puerto Rico was hit by Hurricane Irma and Maria—category five and four storms—in succession. The impact was widespread and catastrophic. Damage to essential infrastructure affected systems of energy, transportation, communications, water supply, and disaster response operations. Federal aid emergency resources were stretched thin as the storms came at the end of hurricane season.

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Sara Merken’s Case Study on 2011 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

Woman and child walking in earthquake/tsunami wreckage.

On March 11, 2011, Japan was hit with a record-breaking 9.1 magnitude earthquake, leading to tsunami waves up to 40 meters tall. This event caused mass destruction, killing thousands and displacing more than 450,000. While Japan deployed a quick response, gaps in disaster management plans led to a worldwide impact. 

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Korian ‘Koko’ Thomas’ Case Study on the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster

The Chernobyl disaster in 1986 remains one of the worst nuclear accidents in history, resulting in widespread radioactive contamination and environmental damage. The nuclear reactor explosion led to approximately 30 deaths, the evacuation of 220,000 people, and long-term health complications for thousands of inhabitants, including cancer in nearly 6,000 children. 

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Rebekah McNeill’s Case Study on 2022 European Heat Wave

Summer sun during a heatwave in Europe.

During the summer of 2022, Europe faced an unprecedented, record-breaking heat wave. The high temperatures, coupled with droughts and forest fires, led to nearly 62,000 deaths amongst predominately vulnerable populations. Despite a similar heatwave two decades prior, European governments were unprepared to respond to the event effectively. 

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Jackie Saltarelli’s Case Study on Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Mass Shooting

On June 30, 2017, Dr. Henry Bello, a former employee of Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center, carried out a mass shooting at the hospital, resulting in one death and six injuries. Bello, who had previously resigned amid sexual harassment allegations, committed suicide directly after. After the attack, the hospital reevaluated and heightened its security measures.

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James Abruzzo’s Case Study on World Trade Center 9/11 Attack

9/11 wreckage.

On September 11, 2001, two flights were hijacked by members of Al-Qaeda and were flown into the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center in Manhattan, New York. The attack killed approximately 2,700 people and resulted in a worldwide reexamination of national security, communications infrastructure, and disaster preparedness and response.

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Kristin Memoli’s Case Study on Volcán de Fuego Eruption in Guatemala

In June 2018, Guatemala’s Volcán de Fuego erupted, leading to the evacuation of 31,000 people, at least 99 deaths, and 15 injuries. The Guatemalan government had a delayed response to the event, which revealed weaknesses in its disaster preparedness. This, along with the public’s lack of knowledge of the dangers and risks of volcanic eruptions, caused one of the most fatal eruptions in Guatemalan history.

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Nancy Hu’s Case Study on C. Auris Outbreak, Brooklyn, NY

Brooklyn, New York, experienced an outbreak of Candida auris (C. auris)—a multidrug-resistant fungal pathogen—in 2019. The fungus targets those with weakened immune systems, making it particularly deadly to those with comorbidities. C. auris infections can be difficult to treat, causing severe public health challenges globally.

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