One Hundred Days of Atrocity and Thirty Years of Trauma

April 1994 has been burned into the memories of countless Rwandans, as close to 1 million people of the Tutsi community were brutally killed by the Hutu people. Violent massacres of members of the Tutsi tribe, as well as the Twa minority and several moderate Hutu, began on April 7, 1994 and lasted for 100 days.

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Zoonotic Disease and Climate Change: A Tangled Web

Last week, the Health Secretary of Puerto Rico joined several other Latin American countries in declaring a public health emergency due to an unanticipated rise in cases of dengue fever. Despite dengue fever –– a vector-borne infectious disease transmitted by mosquitoes — being endemic to Puerto Rico, changes in weather and climate due to global warming have resulted in an estimated triple-fold increase in incidence when compared to cases during the same time period last year.

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The True Impact of Climate Change on Human Lives

Climate change seems to be ubiquitous in discourse and general discussions in recent years, with conversations surrounding “increasing frequency and severity” dominating the debate. Hurricanes, tsunamis, severe winter storms, wildfires, heat waves and droughts all impact lives and livelihoods –– but have we truly considered the extent of this influence?

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Justin Andries’ Case Study on the 2022 Brooklyn Subway Shooting

According to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, in 2022, an estimated 3 million civilians used the New York City subway system on a daily basis. In April 2022, a 63-year-old male opened fire at the New Utrecht stop in Brooklyn, shooting 10 individuals and creating chaos, fear and confusion among countless commuters. Fortunately, there were no deaths, and the suspect was apprehended and charged with a firearms offense and 10 counts of terrorist attack.

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Student Spotlight: Anne-Marie McLaughlin

Anne-Marie is the Director of Emergency Management and Continuity at NYU. Before entering this role around six year ago, she held a similar role at the University of Massachusetts. Anne-Marie holds two master degrees, one in English Composition and Writing, and the other in Emergency Management and Business Continuity. Watch our interview to learn more about Anne-Marie and her experience as a Emergency Management Director!

Interviewed by Nehal Rowhani

Death and Destructions from Wildfires in Chile

On February 2, 2024, wildfires raged through the central Chilean city of Viña del Mar, claiming at least 112 lives and leaving 372 people unaccounted for. The loss of life and destruction that resulted was second only to the devastation that ensued in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake in the region, which took the life of 400 individuals.

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