Shithole countries? Think again. *Addendum: Something that has been bothering me for weeks is that in this vlog, I did not acknowledge that voluntary immigration is not the historical legacy of African Americans in the United States. While I spoke
This One Goes Out To The Pre-Tenure Scholar Mamas
How it’s been 4 months since my last entry is a mystery to me, but here we are! This post is dedicated especially to those scholar mamas who are on the tenure track and trying to negotiate all that entails.
Deja-Vu All Over Again
In this entry, I rewind a bit to talk about why the name of this vlog is “Scholar, Meet Mother” and I preview some of the issues I’ll be addressing here. Academia is a world defined by scrutiny and critique–and
Parents: Stay Woke
Here is the story I posted on Facebook that prompted the comments to which I refer in this video: And so it begins. My daughter had a playdate at the playground today with one of her classmates (Viv, a pseudonym).