Simons Seminar: Werner Krauth

Waverly 540

The Simons Center for Computational Physical Chemistry at NYU regularly hosts visiting scholars to discuss their work.  Join us on May 21 for a presentation by Werner Krauth, Simons Center's Distinguished Visiting Professor and Research Director of CNRS (French National Research Center):  Non-reversible Markov chains: From statistical mechanics to chemical physics All Simons Center seminars...

Algorithms and Computations in Statistical Physics: An example-based approach

In this tutorial, we will discuss key subjects in statistics and classical and quantum statistical physics starting from miniature (!) computer programs. Tools will range from Markov-chain Monte Carlo to molecular dynamics, with applications from entropic phase transitions to the Feynman path integral. The tutorial will be highly interactive, and attendees are encouraged to bring...

Seminar: David Wales

Waverly 540

The Simons Center for Computational Physical Chemistry at NYU regularly hosts visiting scholars to discuss their work.  Join us on June 10th for a presentation by David Wales, Simons Center...