B.J. Ruyle, E.H. Pennoyer, S. Vojta, J. Becanova, M. Islam, T.F. Webster, W. Heiger-Bernays, R. Lohmann, P. Westerhoff, C.E. Schaefer, E.M. Sunderland. High Organofluorine Concentrations in Municipal Wastewater Affect Downstream Drinking Water Supplies for Millions of Americans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. [Coverage in the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, press release]
E.H. Antell, S. Yi, C.I. Olivares, S. Chaudhuri, B.J. Ruyle, L. Alvarez-Cohen, D.L. Sedlak. Selective Quantification of Charged and Neutral Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Using the Total Oxidizable Precursor (TOP) Assay. In review.
L.P. Padhye, M. Kah, E.M. Leitao, K. Bowles, P. Nathanail, I.T. Cousins, R. Figuière, B.O. Clarke, J.M. Partington, W. Alghamdi, E.M. Sunderland, B.J. Ruyle, S. Endo, T.N. Brown, Z. Wang, S. Zeng, J.J. Pignatello, S.J. Smith, M. Riegel, H.P.H. Arp, J. Blotevogel, R.J. Giraud, A.K. Rappé, E. Sørmo, G. Cornelissen, M.A. Deshusses, I.V. Novosselov, P.L. Ferguson, B.R. Pinkard, T.J. Strathmann, K. Gobindlal, J. Sperry, E.C. Lumbaque, N. Duinslaeger, J. Radjenovic, J. Hatton. The PFAS Roadmap – Navigating a Path to Improved Management. In review.
H.M. Pickard, B.J. Ruyle, F. Haque, J.M. Logan, D.R. LeBlanc, S. Vojta, E.M. Sunderland. Characterizing the Areal Extent of PFAS Contamination in Fish Species Downgradient of AFFF Source Zones. Environmental Science & Technology. 58, 19440-19453.
B.J. Ruyle, H.M. Pickard, L. Schultes, F. Fredriksson, A.L. Heffernan, D.R.U. Knappe, H.L. Lord, P. Meng, M.A. Mills, K. Ndungu, P. Roesch, J.T. Rundberget, D.R. Tettenhorst, J. Van Buren, C. Vogel, D.C. Westerman, L.W.Y. Yeung, E.M. Sunderland. 2023. Interlaboratory Comparison of Extractable Organofluorine Measurements in Groundwater and Eel (Anguilla rostrata): Recommendations for Methods Standardization. Environmental Science & Technology. 57, 48, 20159-20168.
E.H. Antell, S. Yi, C.I. Olivares, B.J. Ruyle, J.T. Kim, K. Tsou, F. Dixit, L. Alvarez-Cohen, D.L. Sedlak. 2023. The Total Oxidizable Precursor (TOP) Assay as a Forensic Tool for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Source Apportionment. ACS ES&T Water. 4, 3, 948-957.
B.J. Ruyle, C.P. Thackray, C.M. Butt, D.R. LeBlanc, A.K. Tokranov, C.D. Vecitis, E.M. Sunderland. 2023. Centurial Persistence of Forever Chemicals at Military Fire Training Sites. Environmental Science & Technology. 57, 21, 8096-8106. [Press release]
B.J. Ruyle, L. Schultes, D.M. Akob, C.R. Harris, M.M. Lorah, S. Vojta, J. Becanova, S. McCann, H.M. Pickard, A. Pearson, R. Lohmann, C.D. Vecitis, E.M. Sunderland. 2023. Nitrifying Microorganisms Linked to Biotransformation of Perfluoroalkyl Sulfonamido Precursors from Legacy Aqueous Film-Forming Foams. Environmental Science & Technology. 57, 14, 5592-5602.
M. Dunn, J. Becanova, J. Snook, B.J. Ruyle, R. Lohmann. 2023. Calibration of Perfluorinated Alkyl Acid Uptake Rates by a Tube Passive Sampler in Water. ACS ES&T Water. 3, 2, 332-341.
H.M. Pickard, B.J. Ruyle, C.P. Thackray, A. Chovancova, C. Dassuncao, J. Becanova, S. Vojta, R. Lohmann, E.M. Sunderland. 2022. PFAS and Precursor Bioaccumulation in Freshwater Recreational Fish: Implications for Fish Advisories. Environmental Science & Technology. 56, 22, 15573-15583.
X.C. Hu, B. Ge, B.J. Ruyle, J. Sun, E.M. Sunderland. 2021. A statistical approach for identifying private wells susceptible to perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination. Environmental Science & Technology Letters. 8, 7, 596-602.
B.J. Ruyle, H.M. Pickard, D.R. LeBlanc, A.K. Tokranov, C.P. Thackray, X.C. Hu, C.D. Vecitis, E.M. Sunderland. 2021. Isolating the AFFF Signature in coastal watersheds using oxidizable PFAS precursors and unexplained organofluorine. Environmental Science & Technology. 55, 6, 3686-3695. [Press release]
A.K. Tokranov, D.R. LeBlanc, H.M. Pickard, B.J. Ruyle, L.B. Barber, R.B. Hull, E.M. Sunderland, C.D. Vecitis. 2021. Surface-water/groundwater boundaries affect seasonal PFAS concentrations and PFAA precursor transformations. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts. 23, 1893-1905.
B.J. Ruyle, C.P. Thackray, J.P. McCord, M.J. Strynar, K.A. Mague-Lewis, S.E. Fenton, E.M. Sunderland. 2021. Reconstructing the composition of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in contemporary aqueous film-forming foams. Environmental Science & Technology Letters. 8, 1, 59-65.
K.A. Sitterley, J. Rosenblum, B.J. Ruyle, R. Keliher, K.G. Linden. 2020. Factors impacting electrocoagulation treatment of hydraulic fracturing fluids and removal of common fluid additives and scaling ions. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 8, 3, 103728.
J. Rosenblum, A.W. Nelson, B.J. Ruyle, M.K. Schultz, J.N. Ryan, K.G. Linden. 2017. Temporal characterization of flowback and produced water quality from a hydraulically fractured oil and gas well. Science of the Total Environment. 596-597, 369-377.