Goal 2 Artifact 2 – Starter Kits of Atypical Orthosis Materials

These are the starter kits that I created and provided to each site for immediate use, following the professional presentation to in-house colleagues in 2019. In 2020, I added double-sided velcro to the kit, as an alternative to seam tape, to bring the edges of the felt neoprene together.  This was an improvement made based upon the feedback I received within three months after the presentation. 

List and cost of materials for Aluminum Wire Starter Kit and Neoprene Kit:

Image of tools used to cut and form spools of rose, silver, black, gold and red 12 inch gauge aluminum wire. Also pictured is a coil of thicker 9 inch gauge aluminum wire
Aluminum Wire Starter Kit
Mandrel and Pliers kit - $20.00
6 rolls of 12 gauge aluminum wire - $30.00
1 roll of 9 gauge aluminum wire - $10.00
Image of beige felt neoprene rolls and blue cloth neoprene in a plastic box with black iron on seam tape and velcro rolls
Neoprene Starter Kit
2 rolls of 1/16" beige felt covered Neoprene - $80.00
1 roll of blue 1/16" cloth covered Neoprene - 32.95
Iron on seam tape and iron on hook and loop velcro - $13.00
Multi-colored shoelaces for straps - $9.50
image of double-sided velcro holding the edges of beige felt neoprene
Double-sided velcro holding the edges of  felt neoprene as an alternative to seam tape
1 roll of Double-sided Velcro - $18.00

[Goal 3]