Goal 3 Artifact 1 – Publication: Hand Function Following Simulated Fusion of Thumb MCP and IP Joints

In 2018 and 2019, the occupational therapy division of rehabilitation was approached by the department of orthopedic hand surgery to collaborate on a research study.  This was a unique opportunity to inform hand surgery interventions from a bottom-up approach, using custom orthoses fabricated by occupational therapists.  

The two other occupational therapists and I co-authored the methodology section of the paper. We performed all aspects of the study, including finding volunteer subjects (32). We administered the standardized tests, custom fabricated the orthoses, and then repeated the tests. We populated the spreadsheet with our data and provided it to our study-team’s statistician. 

The occupational therapists and I co-authored a manuscript which was submitted to the HAND journal for publication by the submitting author in November of 2019. It was published on February 26, 2020.  

This is an abstract of the article. If you are unable to have full access to this article, then click on the link in the NYU Library:

Letzelter, J. P., Ahmad, R., Tagliarino, J., Woeckener, J., Bello, R., & Melamed, E. (2020). Hand function following simulated fusion of thumb metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints. Handhttps://doi.org/10.1177/1558944720906495


[Goal 3 Artifact 2]