
3D Audio (MPATE-GE 2613)

An interdisciplinary course about the theory, techniques and applications of 3D and spatial audio. Topics include the psychoacoustics of directional hearing, physical acoustics of spatial sound, stereo and multi-speaker sound reproduction, audio simulation, spatial sound in Virtual Reality and other fields.

Digital Audio Processing I & II (MPATE-GE 2600 & 2601)

A graduate seminar in Music Technology students intended to provide the framework for intellectual challenge, as well as an opportunity to explore many areas of student interest in the field of music technology. The course provides a study of the theoretical foundations of digital audio processing through lecture as well as student review and discussion of the writings of prominent researchers in the field.

Colloquy: Music Technology and Thesis in Music Technology (MPATE-GE 2616/2626)

These courses serve as the Master’s Thesis preparation classes. Over the course of two semesters, topics covered will include thesis proposal preparation, work plan development, research methods, testing with human subjects, data analysis, presentation style, and feature class discussions about published papers and theses.

Musical Acoustics (MPATE-UE 1035)

Introduces two fundamental areas of study: the phenomena and physics of sound and hearing, and models of musical instrument behavior. Students perform scientific experiments that examine basic phenomena, and design, build and analyze a musical instrument.

Fundamentals of Digital Signal Theory (MPATE-GE 2599)

Theoretical and practical foundations for digital signal processing. Topics covered include signal representation in time and frequency domains, Fourier Transform, spectrum analysis, transfer functions, convolution, filter theory and implementation. Lectures are reinforced with a co-requisite weekly lab using Matlab.