David K.A. Mordecai, Adjunct Professor at New York University, was invited to speak at the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) 2018 Cybersecurity Technology Summit on February 27th, 2018 in Arlington, VA.
Dr. Mordecai participated on a panel entitled Artificial Intelligence: The Next Line of Defense, where he highlighted and discussed cyberphysical risk management considerations common to civilian commercial and industrial Internet of Things (IoT), as well as defense network settings.
The panel was moderated by Rick Hansen, Professor of Practice, Cybersecurity and Information Assurance at Capitol Technology University. The other speakers on the panel were the following:
- Dr. Alexander Kott, Chief Scientist, United States Army Research Lab,
- Adam Cardinal-Stakenas: Information Assurance Directorate of National Security Agency, and
- Patrick Sullivan, Director, Security Technology and Strategy, Akamai
About RiskEcon® Lab @ Courant Institute
David Mordecai leads research activites at RiskEcon® Lab @Courant. The mission of RiskEcon® Lab @ Courant is to enable, facilitate and coordinate academic research focusing on these patterns and trends, via the development of commercially-viable, analytic applications employing computational statistical tools in conjunction with innovative and non-traditional data structures. In addition, the lab’s activities involve the advancement of applied mathematical statistics and computational economics, through interdisciplinary post-doctoral, postgraduate, graduate research and education in data science and social computing. RiskEcon® Lab for Decision Metrics was established in 2011 at Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, an independent division of New York University (NYU). Courant is considered to be one of the world’s leading mathematics educational and scientific research centers, and has been ranked first in research in applied mathematics.