What are the precise rules of each of the obstructions?
A 1 No edit more than 12 frames long
2 All the question in the original film must be answered
3 Must be filmed in Cuba
4 Can’t be filmed on a set
B 1 Film itin a miserable place
2 Don’t show it
3 Jorgen Leth is the man
4 The meal should be there
C Free or go back to Bombay
D Cartoon
E. 1 Jorgen Leth must read script written by Lars Von Trier
2 Jorgen Leth is credited as director
How does Jorgen cope with the obstructions?
Every obstacle is a challenge for him. In the twelve-frame challenge, he used repeated shots and textured sounds to express his actions. In the second obstacle, he used a transparent curtain to frame a piece of reality to show a subtle and tangible art form.In the third challenge, he seems to use two timelines to make the picture more specific。
What is the effect on the movies he produces?
Every time this movie changes, you can discover something new. As Lars von Trier said, he wanted this work to break away from perfection and capture some of the essence of humanity.As he said, these five short films are more like going back to the past to dig out the undiscovered content. To make the work leave marks on the author.
Other thoughts crossing your mind while watching
From this work, at the beginning, I felt that it was about the subject of creation and limitation. The students presented problems to the teachers, and then the teachers overcome them one by one. Later, I felt that this was not the case, it was more like a philosophical question, a discussion about beauty and art.In the end, the most surprising thing is Las Von Trier’s critique of self and exploration of perfection. My film is a“ bluff and a hiding place”.