Forward: Kyoto “Japan is a country with a password. Everything has a code,” Naomi had said. “You’ll be happy here, as long as you don’t know the password.” (3). It’s possible I needed to feel particularly chagrined about some invention…
Lesson 6, Discussion 6 — Tomiris Issayeva
“The photographer tends to remember what was left outside the frame, and instant when he fired the shutter.” This quote is a reference to a photographer’s power in manipulating the content of her/his photograph and the way the viewer perceives…
Chris Rivera
Luvina: “The people from there say that when the moon is full they clearly see the figure of the wind sweeping along Luvina’s streets, bearing behind it a black blanket; but what I always managed to see when there was…
Why Did No One Save Gabriel? Another article I wanted to share — this one from The Atlantic, published in 2018. It’s specifically about the tensions existing for social workers in child protective services. What I like about it is that it looks realistically at…