Selected Publications (Complete list on Google Scholar)
- Methodology
- With random regressors, least squares inference is robust to correlated errors with unknown correlation structure. (with Z. Zhang, P. Ding, and H. Wang)
Biometrika 2024, Forthcoming. (ArXiv, website) - Large-scale inference of multivariate regression for heavy-tailed and asymmetric data. (with Y. Song and W.-X. Zhou)
Statistica Sinica 2023, 33, 1831-1852. (website)
- Tracking the transmission dynamics of COVID-19 with a time-varying coefficient state-space model. (with J. Keller, T.J. Zhou, A. Kaplan, and B. Anderson)
Statistics in Medicine 2022, 41(15), 2745-2767. (website)
- Non-asymptotic properties of spectral decomposition of large Gram-Type matrices and applications. (with L. Zhang and H. Wang)
Bernoulli 2022, 28(2), 1224-1249. (website)
- A new principle for tuning-free Huber regression. (with L. Wang, C. Zhang, and W.-X. Zhou)
Statistica Sinica 2021, 31, 2153-2177 (website)
- Large scale multiple inference on collective dependence with applications to protein function. (with R. Jernigan, K. Jia, and Z. Ren)
The Annals of Applied Statistics 2021, 15(2), 902-924. (website)
- Large scale maximum average power multiple inference on time-course count data with application to RNA-seq analysis. (with M. Cao, F.J. Breidt, and G.Peers)
Biometrics 2020, 76(1), 9-22. (website)
- Simulation-based hypothesis testing of high dimensional means under covariance heterogeneity. (with J. Chang, C. Zheng, and W.-X. Zhou)
Biometrics 2017, 73(4), 1300-1310. (website)
- Testing for high-dimensional white noise using maximum cross correlations. (with J. Chang and Q. Yao)
Biometrika 2017, 104(1), 111-127. (website)
- Comparing large covariance matrices under weak conditions on the dependence structure and its application to gene clustering. (with J. Chang, W.-X. Zhou, and L. Wang)
Biometrics 2017, 73(1), 31-41. (website)
- Mathematical modeling of immune responses in tissues. (with B. Su, K. Dorman, and D.E. Jones)
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2009, 10(1), 9-38. (website)
- With random regressors, least squares inference is robust to correlated errors with unknown correlation structure. (with Z. Zhang, P. Ding, and H. Wang)
- Research in Scientific Collaborations
- Non-parallel transcriptional divergence during parallel adaptation. (with E.K. Fischer, Y. Song, K.A. Hughes, and K.L. Hoke)
Molecular Ecology 2021, 30(6), 1516-1530. (website, bioRxiv)
- A single dose polyanhydride-based vaccine platform promotes and maintains anti-GnRH antibody titers. (with R.G. Schaut, M.T. Brewer, J.M. Hostetter, …, and D.E.Jones)
Vaccine 2018, 36(7), 1016-1023. (website)
- Comparative analyses of C4 and C3 photosynthesis in developing leaves of maize and rice. (with L. Wang, A. Czedik-Eysenberg, R.A. Mertz, Y. Si, …, P. Liu, and T.P. Brutnell)
Nature Biotechnology 2014, 32, 1158-1165. (website)
- Non-parallel transcriptional divergence during parallel adaptation. (with E.K. Fischer, Y. Song, K.A. Hughes, and K.L. Hoke)
- Books
- Dose Finding and Beyond in Biopharmaceutical Development. (co-Edited with J. Ye, D. Chen, Q. Deng, and J. C. Cappelleri) Springer, 440 pages. (website, ISBN: 978-3-031-67109-8)
- A Bayesian analysis of the dynamics during co-infection by Leshimania major and Leshimania amazonensis based on differential equation models. (with Y. Tian, Y. Koh, K.N. Gibson-Corley, and D.E. Jones, 2012)
- A geometric adaptive Metropolis-Hastings algorithm with Gaussian calibration. (with S. Vardeman and H. Wu, 2013)
- Beauty powered beast. (with K. Zhang, W. Zhang, and Z. Zhao; ArXiv, 2021)
- Fused logistic threshold regression for identifying genetic heterogeneity and therapy effectiveness prediction. (with Y. Lin, Z. Geng, G. Xiao, and J. Yin, ArXiv, 2021)
- Optimal Nonparametric Inference on Network Effects with Dependent Edges. (with W. Du and Y. Zhang, ArXiv, 2024)
- Multivariate Inference of Network Moments by Subsampling. (with M. Qi and T. Li, ArXiv, 2024)
- Bias Reduction in Matched Observational Studies with Continuous Treatments: Calipered Non-Bipartite Matching and Bias-Corrected Estimation and Inference. (with A. Frazier and S. Heng, ArXiv, 2024)