Folding Beijing Educational robots who is skilled in dancing might be a great invention for parents and kids living in third space. It may look like a simple black box. When the class begins, it opens with a holographic projection of virtual … [Continue reading] about Group Research Project: Fiction Readings by Rain
Group Research Project: Research Reading by Dianyu Lin
I would like to define interaction as a circulating communication process. It can be built between human and human, human and machine, or even machine and machine. … [Continue reading] about Group Research Project: Research Reading by Dianyu Lin
Recitation 1: Research Reading by Dianyu Lin
After a weeks reading, I've regained a deeper vision of what is Interaction or Interactive art. And following is my thoughts towards the two given questions: Question 1: After reading The Art of Interactive Design, in what way do you … [Continue reading] about Recitation 1: Research Reading by Dianyu Lin
Recitation 1: Electronics and Soldering by Dianyu Lin
The first day of my interaction lab's recitation is doubtlessly more than exciting. In the class we were asked to complete some circuit according to the diagram and fulfill the task of electric soldering. The circuit and functions of its components … [Continue reading] about Recitation 1: Electronics and Soldering by Dianyu Lin