- The memory I chose for the project is a sleepless night annoyed by mosquitos. It could be a common experience for everyone of us, but we may barely notice how our emotions and senses engaged in the simple action of catching a slyly mosquitos beforehand. By creating the soundscape of this experience, I’d like to bring back the dramatic scene and reproduce our feelings that time: sleepy, annoyed, angry, etc… Let’s go back to that disturbing night, and try to figure out how closely our sensations are tied to our feelings and moods.
- I have used a variety of sounds in the project. Following are some significant ones that structured the composition:
- buzzing electric toothbrush: mosquito buzz
- snoring & breathing sounds
- clapping sounds: catching the mosquito
- sounds of turning over in bed
My recording gallery
- They are all remarkable sounds that may remind you of a night with buzzing mosquitos. One thing to I want to note is the decision to record my vibrating electric toothbrush and turn it into the mosquito buzz. When I started to think about where to record the sound of mosquitos, I found it’s hard to really approach a mosquito and get clear buzzing sounds. So I began to think about whether I can “produce” the sound by manipulation. It stroke me when I was brushing my teeth that night that I could actually use my toothbrush’s sound to mimic the mosquito buzz. And after adding several effects, filters and intervals, it appears more real as mosquitos.
- Other problems I encountered during the producing period may be common for everyone working on the project: limited sounds we can record due to the lockdown situation; buzzing noice in the background because of the limitation of our accessible recording devices; etc. But once I tried to open up my mind and to utilize the imagination, there will be more possibilities.
- If I’ve got more time, I may pour more energy into adjusting the sounds of my electric sounds and let it get closer to mosquito buzzes. I may also prolong the project to make the flow of sound more natural and fluent.
- Potential improvements after receiving in-class feedback:
- shorten the sound clip into 1 minute
- find substitution for the snoring sounds in case it sounds too cartoonish
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