The description I chose as my motif is the second one. It attracts me as it shapes an elegant swan with simple lines and shapes. Then I was inspired to also draw a swan. Considering the motif is organized in black and white, I want to design my work as a colorful one.
Similar to the motif, my final creation outlines the swan with simple but clear lines and shapes. I also use the concept of cutting lines behind the swan, though in a more colorful way. The cutting rectangular definitely helps to bring more change to my creation.
The code I used is as follows:
int[] coords={240,132,280,140,60,540,80,600}; void setup(){ size(700,1000); color c = color(160,60,60); background(c); fill(245); ellipse(220,80,180,100); fill(245); rect(0,620,700,500); line(80,600,0,820); line(310,80,260,280); line(400,619,700,750); line(300,60,350,30); line(266,40,310,0); fill(c); ellipse(120,620,70,90); ellipse(120,620,32,56); ellipse(193,624,50,66); ellipse(193,626,28,35); ellipse(260,630,54,85); ellipse(260,636,27,48); ellipse(115,760,90,116); ellipse(115,770,45,64); ellipse(235,776,96,173); ellipse(235,794,56,120); ellipse(540,820,80,160); ellipse(540,840,56,98); ellipse(350,700,72,98); ellipse(344,710,36,62); ellipse(620,870,53,80); ellipse(625,880,26,40); arc(403,422,400,400,HALF_PI,PI+QUARTER_PI); beginShape(); beginShape(); curveVertex(240, 132); // curveVertex(240, 132); // curveVertex(280, 140); curveVertex(60, 540); curveVertex(80, 600); curveVertex(80, 600); // endShape(); fill(255, 0, 0); noStroke(); for (int i = 0; i < coords.length; i += 2) { ellipse(coords[i], coords[i + 1], 3, 3); } fill(20,40,200); ellipse(120,620,70,90); fill(0,200,180); ellipse(120,620,32,56); fill(20,40,200); ellipse(193,624,50,66); fill(0,200,180); ellipse(193,626,28,35); fill(20,40,200); ellipse(260,630,54,85); fill(0,200,180); ellipse(260,636,27,48); fill(20,40,200); ellipse(115,760,90,116); fill(0,200,180); ellipse(115,770,45,64); fill(20,40,200); ellipse(235,776,96,173); fill(0,200,180); ellipse(235,794,56,120); fill(20,40,200); ellipse(540,820,80,160); fill(0,200,180); ellipse(540,840,56,98); fill(20,40,200); ellipse(350,700,72,98); fill(0,200,180); ellipse(344,710,36,62); fill(20,40,200); ellipse(620,870,53,80); fill(0,200,180); ellipse(625,880,26,40); }
In today’s work, I’m quite satisfied with the specific style of a little discordant and mechanical works in my creation. I think under certain context drawing in Processing can be a good means of realizing my design, but it’s not always the best way. What I learnt from this work is that, things easily done by human can be extremely complicated if you ask the computer to do the same. But also, this kind of difficulty and unnatural feelings can be a unique style of your creation at the same time.