Unity Chain Reaction

As the photogrammetry models we’ve got are an astronaut, a book, a wallet and a music box, we came up with an idea that the wallet (money), book (knowledge), and the music box (material and music/culture) support the astronaut to travel to the universe. To link our idea with the chain reaction, we created two channels that lead the two coins which are created by the wallet to crash on the book and the music box, let the book and the music box fall down together to the one side of a lever, so that it can give the astronaut who sit at another side of the lever to go up.


I take the tasks of building the lever, figuring out how to let the astronaut fly up, also debugging with Yier after the basic structure had done. During the process, we’ve met a lot of rediculous mistakes, including the channels working for one side and didn’t work for the other side with the same set up. To solve the problem, we tried various situation and set up way in different places, and finally build the whole project successfully. During the process, we also get more familiar with the component ‘rigidbody’, ‘box collider’, ‘mesh collider’, etc. We also found that, a little change in the numerical value part may cause a totally different result, which is a good point for us to pay attention to in the future.

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