360° video – Reborn Insects
Youtube link: https://youtu.be/9QHklvA3-bY
This video shows what insects may encounter every day with a fictional storyline of the insect having the power of being reborn, but experiencing different ways to death every time. Although humans hate insects, under the beautiful fireworks, the humans choose to watch the beautiful scene with the insects, rather than killing.
At first, I wanted to shoot a video that shows how the insects move in the grasses, but I found that it is hard to operate because the camera can always catch and shoot my activities when I’m holding the camera, and I didn’t find a suitable tool that can replace my position to imitate the insects’ movement. In these circumstances, I came up with the idea of shooting the insects’ dead moments. In my daily life, whenever I saw an insect, I would let it disappear immediately because I’m afraid of them. So in this video, I also shouldered the task to kill the insects. But besides my effect, insects’ lives are also very fragile. They can be eaten by cats, can only live for one summer, and can be trampled to death while the people have no conscious. At the end of the video, I stop killing insects, and we watch the fireworks together, which also includes my wish to stop feeling scared about the insects and cherish the insects’ short lifetimes.
To create a more immersive environment, besides the sound that was shooted by the camera, I searched for some environmental sounds and added it into the video, also added the effects on some audio to make it sounds like the insect is dead. What’s more, I searched for the fireworks materials and add them to the background of the last shot, which I think is adding an interesting point to the video. However, I didn’t find a way to maintain the sound to change with angles, which I think is the next step I should focus on.