Idea I: A simple math question maker with both punishment and praises

The player should answer the math problem, if the answer is wrong, he/she will be hit by a hand, and if the player completes 10 problems, the hands will clap to celebrate the player’s success.

This is the very first idea which came to my mind, and I thought it was only play for fun. However, we could update it into a more complex one, such as asking derivative questions or anything we like, so that this game can also have the educational meanings. The processing will be the answer part, where people can click the screen to choose what is the right answer they thought, and the arduino will be the part to control the hands.


Idea II: An assistant help you to be more focused

This idea may be aroused by the project which was completed by Vivian and her teammate.

There will be a doll who can use acts and sounds to remind you it’s time to study or rest. For example, you can set a playing game duration, and when the time is up, the doll will remind you to go study, and if you are stillling playing, there may be different respond from the doll. Also, if you keep studying for one hour, the doll will remind you to have a rest.

This is a useful stuff and also interesting, as it could be built in the shape of my favourite charactor, which could be more motivated to me. The processing will be the part to monitor the time, and the doll will be built by arduino.


Idea III: Using sensors to play the game

These kind of games have already exsisted, but I think no matter how to make it, it still seems very funny. For example, the game can be designed in using jump to go over the crevice, and the jumping time and height is controled by one sensor. You can use the press sensor or the sound sensor to control the charactor. It is just a game for fun.

Here’s an example.



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