Recitation 5: Processing Basics
Step 1: Choose your motif
(Click the photo to get details)
Step 2: Draw your image in Processing
*I didn’t make sketch on paper
The Code:
void setup(){ size(600,600); background(143,69,63); } void draw(){ noStroke(); fill(94,60,59); quad(20, 40, 560, 10, 590, 560, 40, 590); noStroke(); fill(61,53,53); quad(30, 80, 520, 20, 580, 520, 80, 580); noStroke(); fill(90,60,58); quad(40, 120, 480, 30, 570, 480, 120, 570); noStroke(); fill(136,68,63); quad(60, 160, 440, 50, 550, 440, 160, 550); noStroke(); fill(205,58,64); quad(90, 200, 400, 80, 520, 400, 200, 520); noStroke(); fill(219,48,69); quad(130, 240, 360, 120, 480, 360, 240, 480); noStroke(); fill(202,102,118); quad(170, 280, 320, 160, 440, 320, 280, 440); noStroke(); fill(223,131,136); quad(210, 290, 310, 200, 400, 310, 290, 400); noStroke(); fill(253,173,162); quad(250, 300, 300, 250, 350, 300, 300, 350); }
The result:
Step 3: Add more code
*I only changed the color
The code:
void setup(){ size(600,600); background(46,107,141); } void draw(){ noStroke(); fill(42,72,131); quad(20, 40, 560, 10, 590, 560, 40, 590); noStroke(); fill(43,43,66); quad(30, 80, 520, 20, 580, 520, 80, 580); noStroke(); fill(42,72,131); quad(40, 120, 480, 30, 570, 480, 120, 570); noStroke(); fill(53,122,161); quad(60, 160, 440, 50, 550, 440, 160, 550); noStroke(); fill(63,127,161); quad(90, 200, 400, 80, 520, 400, 200, 520); noStroke(); fill(102,136,163); quad(130, 240, 360, 120, 480, 360, 240, 480); noStroke(); fill(141,145,164); quad(170, 280, 320, 160, 440, 320, 280, 440); noStroke(); fill(165,151,165); quad(210, 290, 310, 200, 400, 310, 290, 400); noStroke(); fill(186,158,166); quad(250, 300, 300, 250, 350, 300, 300, 350); }
The result:
I thought the processing is really nice and useful in making paintings, especially recently we had learned about how to make animation through processing, which I thought was very convenient for us to create more things. Hope I can learn more about really drawing a thing (human? animal?) using lines and making them to move.