EL-GY 9263 System Foundations for Cyber-Physical System Security

Course Objective: The national and economic security of the United States depends on the reliable function of critical infrastructure. An already-large and rapidly growing part of this infrastructure is being advanced through the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT), leading to cyber-physical systems (CPS). Cyber-physical systems are subject to threats stemming from increasing reliance on computer and communication technologies. Cybersecurity threats exploit the increased complexity and connectivity of critical infrastructure systems, placing the Nation’s security, economy, public safety, and health at risk. This class introduces the security and resilience of cyber-physical systems from a multi-disciplinary point of view, including topics of network security, risk-assessment, human factors, control and game-theoretic methods to reduce the cyber-risk to cyber-physical critical infrastructures.

Prerequisites: The course is offered as a graduate level course. To follow the course, familiarity with dynamic systems (at the level of EL-GY 6253) and some background in probability theory (at the level of EL-GY 6303) are required. Knowledge in game theory (at the level of EL-GY 9213) and optimization (at the level of EL-GY 6233) is desirable. A minimum GPA of 3.5 is required for MS and PhD students or with the permission of the instructor.

Recommended Textbooks:  

[AB]     T. Alpcan and T. Başar, Network security: A decision and game-theoretic approach. Cambridge University Press, 2010.

[BL]    B. Levy, 2008. Principles of signal detection and parameter estimation. Springer Science & Business Media.

[BH]     L. Buttyan and J. P. Hubaux, 2007. Security and cooperation in wireless networks: thwarting malicious and selfish behavior in the age of ubiquitous computing. Cambridge University Press.

[DS]      D. R. Stinson, 2005. Cryptography: theory and practice. CRC press.

Supplementary Textbooks:

[WS]     W. Stallings, Cryptography and network security: principles and practices. Pearson Education, 2006. 

[PP]      C.P. Pfleeger and S.L. Pfleeger, Security in computing. Prentice Hall, 2002. 

[JSSW]  Jajodia, S., Subrahmanian, V.S., Swarup, V. and Wang, C. eds., Cyber Deception: Building the Scientific Foundation. Springer 2016.

[JGWW] Jajodia, S., Ghosh, A.K., Swarup, V., Wang, C. and Wang, X.S. eds., Moving target defense: creating asymmetric uncertainty for cyber threats(Vol. 54). Springer 2011.

Course Outline:

  1. Intrusion Detection 
  2. Control System Security
  3. Resilient Control Systems
  4. Classical Cryptography
  5. Medical Device Security
  6. Information-Theoretic Cryptography and Applications
  7. Wireless Security
  8. Attack Graphs and Modeling
  9. Security Games 
  10. Security and Privacy of Machine Learning
  11. Economics of Information Security