Tag Archives: lecture series

Brooklyn Quant Experience Lecture Series: Harvey Stein

Brooklyn Quant Experience Lecture Series, NYU TandonDear All,

You are cordially invited to the Brooklyn Quant Experience Lecture Series (BQE) on Thursday, February 13th at 6PM in LC 400, Dibner Building, 5 MetroTech Center – 4th Floor.

Dr. Harvey Stein will present a talk on the following topic:


A Unified Framework for Default Modeling


Credit risk models largely bifurcate into two classes — the structural models and the reduced form models. Attempts have been made to reconcile the two approaches by adjusting filtrations to restrict information, but they are technically complicated and tend to approach filtration modification in an ad-hoc fashion.

Here we propose a reconciliation inspired by actuarial science’s approach to survival analysis. We model the survival curve and hazard rate curve as stochastic processes. This puts default models in a form resembling the HJM framework for interest rates, yielding a unified framework for default modeling.

Predictability of default has a simple interpretation in this framework. The framework enables us to disentangle predictability and the distribution of the default time from calibration decisions such as whether to use market prices or balance sheet information. It supplies a formal framework for combining models, yielding a simple way to define new default models.


Dr. Harvey J. Stein is Head of the Quantitative Risk Analytics Group at Bloomberg, responsible for Bloomberg’s market risk and credit risk models. Dr. Stein is well known in the industry, having published and lectured on mortgage backed security valuation, CVA calculations, interest rate and FX modeling, credit exposure calculations, financial regulation, and other subjects. Dr. Stein is also on the board of directors of the IAQF, an adjunct professor at Columbia University, a board member of the Rutgers University Mathematical Finance program and of the NYU Enterprise Learning program, and organizer of the IAQF/Thalesians financial seminar series. He received his BA in mathematics from WPI in 1982 and his PhD in mathematics from UC Berkeley in 1991.

We look forward to having you join us for the talk and refreshments.

Brooklyn Quant Experience Lecture Series: Milind Sharma

Brooklyn Quant Experience Lecture Series, NYU Tandon

Dear All,

We are delighted to announce the new Brooklyn Quant Experience (BQE) Lecture Series (formerly known as the FRE Lecture Series), which will begin Thursday, January 30th at 6PM in the Event MakerSpace, 6 Metrotech Center, 1st Floor.

To kickoff our first lecture this spring, we have invited Dr. Milind Sharma who will present a talk on the following topic:


From Smart Betas to Smart Alphas


Milind Sharma’s 24 years of market experience span running prop desks at RBC & Deutsche Bank (Saba unit) as well as hedge funds (QuantZ) & mutual funds (MLIM) not to mention his fintech venture QMIT. His funds have won many awards over the years including those from Morningstar, Lipper, WSJ, Battle of the Quants & BattleFin. He was also a co-founder of Quant Strategies at MLIM (now BlackRock) & Manager of the Risk Analytics and Research Group at Ernst & Young where he was co-architect of Raven TM. His publications have appeared in Risk, JoIM, Elsevier, World Scientific, Wiley etc. In addition to dual MS degrees he was also in the Logic/ AI PhD program at Carnegie Mellon. Other education includes Oxford, Vassar & Wharton.

We look forward to having you join us for the talk and refreshments.