Tag Archives: investor

Brooklyn Quant Experience Lecture Series: Claudio Tebaldi

Brooklyn Quant Experience Lecture Series, NYU TandonDear All,

You are cordially invited to the Brooklyn Quant Experience Lecture Series (BQE) on Thursday, February 20th at 6PM in the Event MakerSpace – 6 MetroTech Center, 1st Floor.

Dr. Claudio Tebaldi will present a talk on the following topic:


Arbitrage Pricing Implications of Cascade Risk


Traditional approach to valuation by (no) arbitrage has focused on the impact on prices of systematic risk factors. In fact firm-specific risks are assumed to be completely diversifiable. In our research we reconsider intertemporal asset pricing in an economy where distress shocks can propagate through a network of inter-firm connections. It can be shown under general conditions that two classes of equilibria emerge. In the first, firm-specific shocks are diversifiable and do not affect investor expectations. In the second, they generate non-diversifiable cascades that amplify arbitrage risk giving rise to a risk premium component not accountable by any systematic factor. We analyze the impact of cascades on stock and option prices and expected returns. We exemplify our findings focusing on the pricing of claims written on assets of financial intermediaries connected by a network of debt-credit claims.


Claudio Tebaldi is a tenured faculty member of the Department of Finance, L. Bocconi University Milano. Associate professor in the field of Quantitative Methods for Economics, Finance and Insurance since 2011, he holds the National Qualification for Full Professorship since 2015. He is a fellow of IGIER and Baffi-CAREFIN research centers and has been Visiting Scholar at UCLA Anderson School of Business. His research interests range in the areas of Derivative, Asset pricing and Portfolio management. His papers are published in leading peer-reviewed journals like the Review of Financial Studies, Mathematical Finance, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis and Journal of Econometrics and two of them have been awarded: one in September 2019 by the Canadian Derivatives Institute as Best Paper in Derivatives of the Northern Finance Association Meeting, one in January 2007 as Best Paper of the Swiss Econometrics and Finance Society Meeting. He is currently serving as Managing Editor of Quantitative Finance.

We look forward to having you join us for the talk and refreshments.

Click on link below for the full spring BQE Lecture Series:

Cornell – Citi Financial Data Science Seminar

You and your colleagues are invited to attend the Cornell – Citi Financial Data Science Seminars at the Bloomberg Center at Cornell Tech, Room 061/071. Through the talks this semester, we are excited to collaborate with Citi in highlighting machine learning applications in finance.

2 West Loop Road
New York, NY 10044

All seminars are from 6:10pm to 7:25pm. This seminar will be recorded, and you can watch the livestream.

Seminars are free. However, registration is required for NYC attendees as seating is limited.


Date: Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Time: 6:10 pm – 7:25 pm
Speaker: Adam Grealish | Betterment
Title: “An Algorithmic Approach to Personal Investing”

Abstract: In this talk we will explore how technology can be used to improve investor outcomes. Technology and automation can play a significant role in solving traditional asset management problems, such as risk management and rebalancing. Additionally, taxable investing offers a number of opportunities to generate outperformance after tax, not considered in the management of pre-tax portfolios. We will explore various strategies for tax efficient portfolio management, how they can be formulated as mathematical problems and how they can be efficiently implemented in algorithmic frameworks. We will also explore how technology and design can improve investor behavior.  

Speaker Bio

Adam Grealish is the Director of Investing at Betterment, the largest independent online financial advisor with over $15 billion in AUM. Adam and his team are responsible for Betterment’s strategic asset allocation, fund selection, automated portfolio management and tax strategies. Before joining Betterment, Adam founded a natural language processing startup that matched individuals with employment opportunities. Prior to that, he was a vice president at Goldman Sachs’ FICC division, responsible for structured corporate credit and macro credit trading. Earlier in his career, Adam was part of the global quantitative equity portfolio management team at New York Life Investments.

The Cornell-Citi Team

Directions to CFEM & Citi @CornellTech on Roosevelt Island: Take the Tram or the F train to Roosevelt Island; walk to the left along the East River until you see a modern, bronze building, which is the Bloomberg Center. Check in at the front desk and go downstairs to the basement, where Room 061/071 will be straight ahead on your left.

**Please excuse any duplication of this announcement

Past CFEM Events

September 24, 2019
Speaker: Dr. Miquel Noguer I Alonso I Artificial Intelligence Finance Institute
Title: “Latest Developments in Deep Learning in Finance”

October 8, 2019
Speaker: Puneet Singhvi I Citi
Title: “What’s Happening in Blockchain in Financial Markets?”

Upcoming CFEM Events

November 12, 2019
Quant Finance Forum
Title: “Big Data and Big Responsibility: The New Frontier of ESG”