Brooklyn Quant Experience Lecture Series: Bruno Kamdem

Brooklyn Quant Experience Lecture Series, NYU Tandon

Join us for last the Brooklyn Quant Experience (BQE) Lecture Series for the Fall 2021 semester on Thursday, December 9th at 6 pm ET on Zoom. Only NYU students, faculty, and staff are allowed to attend in person. All other guests can attend synchronously via Zoom.

“Tradable Carbon Permits Auctions Under Regulation and Competition”

Bruno Kamdem
Co-founder and Principal
Lepton Actuarial & Consulting, LLC
Adjunct Professor
NYU Tandon FRE

Bruno Kamdem


Attend Virtually >>

*Please note a meeting password is required for this event.
Meeting ID: 955 1090 2494
Password: BQEBM129

Brooklyn Quant Experience Lecture Series: Frederic Siboulet

Brooklyn Quant Experience Lecture Series, NYU Tandon

Join us for the Brooklyn Quant Experience (BQE) Lecture Series on Thursday, December 2nd at 6 pm ET on Zoom. Only NYU students, faculty, and staff are allowed to attend in person. All other guests can attend synchronously via Zoom.

“Machine Learning in Financial Services”

Frederic Siboulet
Adjunct Professor
NYU Tandon FRE

Frederic Siboulet

Attend Virtually >>

*Please note a meeting password is required for this event.
Meeting ID: 981 8403 9166
Password: BQEFS122