Brooklyn Quant Experience Lecture Series: Federico Bandi

Brooklyn Quant Experience Lecture Series, NYU Tandon

Join us for the Brooklyn Quant Experience (BQE) Lecture Series on Thursday, October 28th at 6 pm ET on Zoom. Only the NYU Community is allowed to attend in person until further notice. All other guests can attend synchronously via Zoom.

“Spectral Asset Pricing “

Federico Bandi
James Carey Endowed Professor
Professor of Finance
Carey Business School
Johns Hopkins University

federico bandi


Attend Virtually >>

*Please note a meeting password is required for this event.
Meeting ID: 938 9750 3169
Password: BQEFB1028

Brooklyn Quant Experience Lecture Series: David Shimko

Brooklyn Quant Experience Lecture Series, NYU Tandon

Join us for the Brooklyn Quant Experience (BQE) Lecture Series on Thursday, October 21st at 6 pm ET on Zoom. Only the NYU Community is allowed to attend in person until further notice. All other guests can attend synchronously via Zoom.

“Arbitrage-Based Derivative Pricing without Stochastic Calculus”

David Shimko
Industry Full Professor

NYU Tandon FRE

David Shimko

Attend Virtually >>

*Please note a meeting password is required for this event.
Meeting ID: 973 0109 4125
Password: BQEDS1021

In the famous Black-Scholes-Merton model, continuous arbitrage in a frictionless environment leads to a well-known arbitrage-based pricing relationship between a single European call option and an underlying stock. In our discrete-time model, we use static arbitrage relationships across all options to find the same result. Our analysis also lays bare the impact of the powerful self-financing (SF) condition. While BSM requires the SF condition, we do not, leading to a stronger result. Additionally, we find that derivatives can be valued in the static CAPM provided a no-static-arbitrage constraint is included in the assumption set, resolving a 40-year-old dilemma. Finally, we show that option pricing could have been rigorously developed before the CAPM was created, using high school mathematics.

Cornell – Citi Financial Data Science Webinars

Cornell Engineering. Operations Research and Information Engineering. Financial Engineering Manhattan

Featuring Machine Learning experts from Cornell, Citi, and more…

You and your colleagues are invited to attend the Cornell – Citi Financial Data Science Webinars. Through the online talks in Fall 2021, we are excited to collaborate with Citi in highlighting machine learning applications in finance.

All webinars are from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm ET.

This webinar is free and open to all guests. Registration is required (Please RSVP here). You will receive the webinar link and dial-in info upon registration (the confirmation email will come from

Date: Tuesday, October 26th, 2021
Time: 5:00pm – 6:00pm ET
Speaker: Zihao Zhang | Oxford-Man Institute
Title: Deep Learning for Market by Order Data

Abstract:  Market by order (MBO) data – a detailed feed of individual trade instructions for a given stock on an exchange – is arguably one of the most granular sources of microstructure information. While limit order books (LOBs) are implicitly derived from it, MBO data is largely neglected by current academic literature which focuses primarily on LOB modelling. In this paper, we demonstrate the utility of MBO data for forecasting high-frequency price movements, providing an orthogonal source of information to LOB snapshots and expanding the universe of alpha discovery. We provide the first predictive analysis on MBO data by carefully introducing the data structure and presenting a specific normalisation scheme to consider level information in order books and to allow model training with multiple instruments. Through forecasting experiments using deep neural networks, we show that while MBO-driven and LOB-driven models individually provide similar performance, ensembles of the two can lead to improvements in forecasting accuracy – indicating that MBO data is additive to LOB-based features.

Speaker Bio: Dr. Zihao Zhang is a postdoctoral researcher at the Oxford-Man Institute and Machine Learning Research Group at the University of Oxford. Zihao’s research focuses on quantitative finance with a special emphasis on applying deep learning models to financial time series modelling. Zihao’s current projects include portfolio optimization and reinforcement learning. Zihao holds a Ph.D. and MSc in Applied Statistics from the University of Oxford and a BSc in Economics and Statistics from University College London.

We hope to see you online!

The Cornell-Citi Team

**Please excuse any duplication of this announcement

If you are interested in our past seminars, you are welcome to subscribe to our YouTube Channel and watch our videos!

Past Events

Oct. 1-3, 2021

5th Eastern Conference on Mathematical Finance (ECMF)

Oct. 5th, 2021
Speaker: Alok Dutt (Citigroup)
Title of Presentation: The Top Challenges for a Financial Data Scientist (And How to Overcome Them)

Upcoming CFEM Events

Nov. 16th, 2021
Speaker: Laura Leal (Princeton)
Title of Presentation: TBD

Brooklyn Quant Experience Lecture Series: Peter Carr

Brooklyn Quant Experience Lecture Series, NYU Tandon

Join us for the Brooklyn Quant Experience (BQE) Lecture Series on Thursday, October 14th at 6 pm ET on Zoom. Only the NYU Community is allowed to attend in person until further notice. All other guests can attend synchronously via Zoom.

“Optionality as a Binary Operation”

Peter Carr
Department Chair

NYU Tandon FRE

Peter Carr

Attend Virtually >>

*Please note a meeting password is required for this event.
Meeting ID: 976 1104 7411
Password: BQEPC1014