- Come up with one word. This should be a vague and general word to describe your thesis (ie Love, Dreams, Inspire, Connect, etc)
- Come up with lists where each list has 10 entities. Lists include (but not limited to)
- Locations
- Verbs
- Objects
- Characters
- Quotes
- Questions
- Books
- Adjectives
- Things That Don’t Belong (a place to keep items that don’t fit anywhere else)
- Themes
These lists can contain things closely related to your main word or things from your research. Allow yourself to think about your main word outside of the context of your thesis.
- Create games! Take a combination of different words from different lists and make a game! Games should be simple, easy to do, and repeated in multiple ways. Examples from class were (“Write a letter to your childhood hero”, “Be an egg on a Hero’s Journey”, “Fly to the moon”, “Ask Elon Musk if there is a God”). Now we don’t have access to a spaceship or Elon Musk so you need to be creative! Draw out the scenario, act it out with a friend, whatever you want.
- You will create 5 games, each game will have 5 variations, no more than 5 minutes for each iteration.
5 Games * 5 Variations = 125 minutes or one lovely afternoon dedicated to thesis 🙂