09.09.20. Introductions. <– Slides linked
Remote Class
- Introductions & Icebreaker
- What is Pre-Thesis?
- The Syllabus & Expectations
- Guest Talks by IDM Alumni
- Join the Slack
- Set up a process blog, and post the link to Slack #Class_Content
- Update your process blog.
09.14.20. Practice-Driven Research & Defining a Topic <– Slides linked
Remote Class
- Discussion on research for and by art and design; different ways to do research; defining a research area or topic and narrowing down
- In-class exercises brainstorming (Kat) and narrowing a research topic (Ahmed)
- Read Christopher Frayling, Research In Art & Design, & Wayne Booth, The Craft of Research, Chapters 3 & 4.
- Brainstorm and complete initial research on your topic. Try the following exercises if stuck:
- Schedule time and hold one-on-ones with your thesis instructor.
- McDermott One-on-One’s Booking Link: (9/15, 9/21, 9/22)
- Ansari One -on-One’s: Sent via email
- Update your process blog.
09.21.20. No Class – One-on-Ones
- Continue working on refining and doing preliminary research on your topic to lock it down and finalize it.
- Go over Inspirations to Questions Assignment & Mapping your Topic.
- Schedule time and hold one-on-ones with your thesis instructor.
- Update your process blog.
09.28.20. Presentations for Group A
Hybrid Class: #325B (Ahmed). Remote Class: (Kit)
- Group A presents their topic areas and research questions.
- Group B attends in-person or remotely and participates in conversation via Miro and/or Slack
- Collective debrief after presentations.
- Continue working on refining and doing preliminary research, taking feedback received from the group presentations.
- Update your process blog.
10.05.20. Presentations for Group B
Hybrid Class: #325A (Kit). Remote Class (Ahmed)
- Group B presents their topic areas and research questions.
- Group A attends in-person or remotely and participates in conversation via Miro and/or Slack
- Collective debrief after presentations.
- Continue working on refining and doing preliminary research, taking feedback received from the group presentations.
- Please read Gray & Malins, Visualizing Research, Chapter 2, and Paul Edwards, How to Read a Book.
- Update your process blog.
10.12.20. Secondary Research: Reviewing Literature & Exemplars Remote Class
- Discussion on secondary research and contextualizing your work; assembling a lit review, case studies and exemplars; ways of keeping track of and presenting secondary research.
- Guest lecture on How to Research (and use the library resources) by NYU Libraries’ Matthew Frankel
- Create a list of readings: books, academic and industry papers, essays etc. in order to understand the topic, as well as research papers, examples and case studies of projects done by artists, designers or technologists working in your area. Begin secondary research.
- Establish citation style and a system for organizing your citations as you take notes on readings
- Identify at least one other student to form a “reading group” with, choose a reading to prepare for next week.
- Schedule time and hold one-on-ones with your thesis instructor next week.
- Update your process blog.
10.19.20. No Class – One-on-Ones
- Continue working on refining and doing secondary research on your topic.
- Discuss reading with your reading group via Zoom or Slack (or other format). Reflect on this in process blog.
- Schedule time and hold one-on-ones with your thesis instructor. Be prepared to present your background research on your topic in an organized manner.
- Update your process blog.
10.26.20. Presentations for Group A
Hybrid Class: We are meeting in Grad Lab #325A (Kit) & #325B (Ahmed)
- Group A presents their topic areas and research questions.
- Group B watches in-person or remotely and participates in conversation via Slack
- Collective debrief after presentations.
- Continue working on refining and doing secondary research, taking feedback received from the group presentations.
- Update your process blog.
11.02.20. Presentations for Group B
Hybrid Class: We are meeting in Grad Lab #325A (Kit) & #325B (Ahmed)
- Group B presents their topic areas and research questions.
- Group A watches in-person or remotely and participates in conversation via Slack
- Collective debrief after presentations.
- Continue working on refining and doing secondary research, taking feedback received from the group presentations.
- Please read John Creswell, Research Design, Chapter 9, and Sarah Pink, Digital Ethnography, Chapter 1.
- Watch the lecture for next week.
- Update your process blog.
- Please complete this Self Assessment Survey.
11.09.20. Primary Research: Developing a Research Plan & Research Methods in Art & Design
Remote Class
- Discussion on method and methodology; exploratory and generative research; covering different methods in field and digital qualitative research; developing a research plan.
- In-class exercises mapping stakeholders and developing a research plan.
- Finish your stakeholder mapping and identify individuals or groups to talk to.
- Create a research plan to conduct exploratory research either digitally or in the field over the next three weeks (you may use the protocol template here).
- Please read Martin & Hanington, Universal Methods of Design, Selections I.
- Watch the lecture for next week.
- Schedule time and hold one-on-ones with your thesis instructor.
- Update your process blog.
11.16.20. Primary Research: Evaluative Research & Testing Ideas &\Or Prototypes
Remote Class
- Discussion on how to conduct evaluative research; covering methods in evaluative research; how to collate findings and derive insights for next steps.
- In-class exercises affinity diagramming and coding data.
- Visit from Tandon Career Services (TBC)
- Update your research plan document with methods you intend to use to derive insights and test ideas or prototypes.
- Please read Martin & Hanington, Universal Methods of Design, Selections II.
- Schedule time and hold one-on-ones with your thesis instructor.
- Update your process blog.
11.23.20. No Class – One-on-Ones
- Continue working on conducting primary research and gathering data.
- Schedule time and hold one-on-ones with your thesis instructor.
- Update your process blog.
11.30.20. No Class – One-on-Ones
- Continue working on conducting primary research and gathering data.
- Schedule time and hold one-on-ones with your thesis instructor.
- Update your process blog.
12.07.20. Final Presentations for Group A
Hybrid Class: We are meeting in Grad Lab #325A (Kit) & #325B (Ahmed)
- Final Presentations for the semester for Group A
- Group B watches in-person or remotely and participates in conversation via Slack
- Continue working on developing insights from research and making prototypes.
- Update your process blog.
- Submit one-page research summary and plan to instructor
12.14.20. Final Presentations for Group B
Hybrid Class: We are meeting in Grad Lab #325A (Kit) & #325B (Ahmed)
- Final Presentations for the semester for Group B
- Group A watches in-person or remotely and participates in conversation via Slack
- Continue working on developing insights from research and making prototypes.
- Update your process blog.
- Submit one-page research protocol to instructor
- One-Page Research Protocol: Due 12/17 by midnight. Following the final presentation you will submit a one-page research protocol in which you will briefly summarize your topic and its broader context area, identify three key texts from your research, reflect on feedback received in your final presentation and delineate a research plan for moving forward in Thesis.